
Responses from misskuma

SET amp with solid state preamp
I've been using a Naim preamp with my Art Audio Jota monos. ( sorry, not quite *low power*, I know.Almost all AA amps I've tried, Naim preamps,so far, are the best choice for me. 
Should I replace my LP12?
You should give a VPI Scout or Nottingham Analogue's Spacedeck a try if you want a different flavour from a Linn.Those smaller tables are not as bad as their lager ones. imho.Neither tables groove as well as a well-set up Linn, but they are easier... 
Sweet sounding SE tube amps under $3K USED
If one wants a sweeter sound than Jota, try finding a second-hand Diavolo.Its 13 watts gives wider choices of speakers than most SET amps.A PX25 is pretty nice, but I found speaker choice too limiting (unless driving easy-to-drive stand mounts dyn... 
How is Wadia with fast dynamic music ?
Matrix,I've owned all the Wadias you've listed. A kps28c is better player. Believe it or not, kps28c sounds more organic than those Wadia units. Still, neither times, tho. Metronome one box CD plalyer is slow and it rolls off at the frequency extr... 
How is Wadia with fast dynamic music ?
I second the Krell kps28c reco. Altho, the timing is not the Krell's strength, a kps28c offers a pretty good mix of everything. I doubt you can get one for around 2k$, tho. I am not familiar with newer Wadia, but all the units I've owned, timing a... 
Solid state "backup" amp recommendation
Try Bel Canto eVo2. It comes with balanced I/O and run extremely cool.Or if you prefer tube like warmth, Naim NAP 250.2.They both have spacious midrange and run cool, albeit both need relatively easy speaker load to shine. 
most analog sounding CDP
For me, Naim CDS3. It doesn't perfectcly hit a bulls eye, but close enough. 
Neuance & Zoethecus,EMC-1UP & First Sound Preamp?
All the reference Zoethecus shelves are now replaced by Neuance shelves in my rig. Zoethecus shelves do *air thing* well but lack in speed and opening up dynamics compared to Nueance shelves. Aftermarket shelves should work well under your tubed p... 
Low watt system for rock,electronica?
I bet the system described above sounded pretty good!Rethm is extremaly fast and dynamic.I think in order to play convincing electronica/ pop/ rock, you need both a good dynamic and flow and preferably with enough headroom to be able to go loud wi... 
Low watt system for rock,electronica?
Art Audio Jota monos with 52BX or 52B tubes. ( just don't drive B&W and Wilson at high SPL ) :-DSeriouly, if you use horns or single driver speakers, low watts, even a single digit amps go a long way. As long as you are realistic and choose a ... 
Interconnect question for Naimies
Simon, Naim cables are anywhere near SOTA. They just recently started to offer various cable choices including Burndys. ( unbilical cord that connects between head unit and power supply )I don't have a direct dealing with their power amplifiers bu... 
Interconnect question for Naimies
You can order Cardas adaptor contacting Cardas direct. For chord, contact NANA. ( Naim Audio North America )sorry, havent dealt with Kimber or Audience. Your best bet is call 'em directly. 
Interconnect question for Naimies
I had the same dilemma as you as Naim recommend DIN terminations. As I was so skeptical, I had to try both ways to see actually what they are recommending has any validity. I've tried DIN terminated Chord Crysalis and Cobra 2 on various spots in t... 
So, is it Clarity or Brightness?
*Is it possible to have incredible clarity while still retaining some of the smoothness? *Yes.*When does clarity cross the line to brightness?*When you screw up putting a system together. :-DMany trial and error and a balancing act. I appreciate g... 
question for naim flacap owners
aftermarket power cords, it does not mean that you can't use 'em. Try a few and see if you like 'em better than the stock cord. I know that they recently changed the stock cord. ( same Volex/Meyer ends but different leads between )I ended up using...