
Responses from mimberman

Sound through Macbook vs DAC
Kijanki: Doesn't the stereophile review refer to the Bel Canto DAC3? Not trying at all to be picky here, just want to make sure I'm thinking of the right DAC. You can also pickup an NOS dac w/usb, of which there are now many options (Red Wine Audi... 
Integrateds: Sim I-7, BAT 300xSE, Pass
I've heard all three integrateds but not your speakers. i-7 is very dynamic and resolving--a spritely sounding amp. Heard it with Totem Forests and it was punchy (as are the speakers) and very transparent. Not a warm sounding amp, necessarily, but... 
Should I go to a Benchmark DAC1 pre in my system?
I think if you can try it out, that's the best way to go. I had the DAC1 in silver w/o usb connected to a music server with toslink and my denon 3910 with coax. I have Dali MS4 speakers which are ultr revealing, so the DAC 1 wasn't a good mix with... 
USB Cable Ridge Street Audio/Synergistic Research
Also interested in this question. I'm waiting with baited breath for the predictable post, "USB cables don't matter since it's just data...etc." Ridge is running a promotion until the end of the month for 40% off their USB cable. Also curious abou... 
Second hand vinyl in NYC
I second the first post's recommendations of Academy Records (on 10th street between Lafayette and 3rd. They'll let you try records and have a good selection and are very knowledgeable). If you're brave, you'll go to this place:The Thing 1001 Manh... 
Time to change. But to what?
I'm going to chime in here again. Audphile1 and I are going to listen to my Dali MS4s with his pass 250.5 and my bat vk 250 running from the aesthetix janus and the Bel Canto DAC 3, so it'll be interesting to see what happens. I just took delivery... 
Looking for a new CD player.
What's your budget like? 
Time to change. But to what?
Okay, I guess I'll chime in here, as we've spoken over email about this, but maybe this will be helpful for others. I own the MS4's and am happy with them. They can be though, as Tvad said, analytical. I find them extremely sensitive to changes up... 
DALI Euphonia MS5 in smaller room
Jebsmith73: The MS-4's are also rear ported.I have the MS4's in a 17d 20w room with 14' ceilings. Realistically though, the speakers are at the end of the long wall (the 20' wall, see my system for more info) and are about 6 feet apart and 1.5' of... 
Dealing w reflective surface between loud speakers
A friend of mine has the same problem. He purchased a large rectangular piece of audio foam (the kind with alternating indented/extended triangular rows) and just hangs it in front of his TV with velcro whenever he's listening. I think it cost him... 
Power cable question with cdp
At this level you would have to make some modifications to the unit to accommodate a different power cable. What are you hoping to do by introducing a different power cable? I mean, what about your system are you looking to change? Tell a bit more... 
What amp to replace BAT VK-250 w/Dali & Aesthetix?
Bobheinatz: heh, you think my friends know any of the brands in my rig? Jeez, I'm surprised, given my audio problem, that I even have friends. 
CDP Update help
What's your budget like? Listening prefs? 
Krell KAV-400xi vs. Parasound A21+P3
I would have to agree that the bass problem probably isn't the krells fault--that's one of it's strong points. I would say see if you can swap in a different pair of speakers and see how the krell sounds. Poor bass could also be a room issue: how ... 
Krell KAV-400xi vs. Parasound A21+P3
I've heard both setups: I used to own the parasound stack with some mission speakers, and I auditioned the krell with proacs next to the plinius 9200 the art sam2, and pathos logos. The lrell was actually quite impressive, and was def punchy in th...