

Responses from millercarbon

SME 312S arm pulling into the center too much.
Its nothing but some other guys saying they noticed the same thing,  https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/anti-skating-sme-v that twisting the wires affects anti-skate. I would just search around using terms like SME 312S tension spring, schemat... 
Vinyl vs high def audio i.e. 24bit / 96 or 192khz
The bottom line in Analog is; "You have to run with the big dogs or stay at home"!   A little story to illustrate just how far off the mark that is:Back around 1995 I was done and very happy with my CD based system except for comments I kept c... 
Anyone Having Problem With Cardas Clear Beyond XL Power Cables Falling Out Of Equipment
 First, which you probably already tried but just in case, work the cable as best you can to make it fit where you want it to go without any leftover twisting or bending torque at either end. Also at the same time see if components can be situated... 
Does anyone use wood for vibration control?
Yeah, right, tried it all. Wood doesn’t control vibration- wood vibrates! Its why musical instruments are built out of it, after all! The thicker the better works because thicker vibrates less and at a higher frequency. So saying you like thicker ... 
Blown Mid Driver
Well I knew it was common and easily fixed but that was a long time ago. Now a quick search for speaker surround repair turned up YouTube DIY videos and PartsExpress DIY kits! Crikey! Interweb! Gotta love it! 
Audio racks
Wood is not sonically the best material as it imparts its own characteristic sound. But then everything else does too. At least the sound wood imparts, people tend to like. So if its solid and efficiently designed and you like the look, just get i... 
The music’s the thing but....
Ha! I got in a car one time, said here try this, immediately turned to my wife and said See Honey, I told you, Breaking Silence is so good it makes even this car stereo sound better! And she agreed. So I had passed the infection along to her.One f... 
Blown Mid Driver
Age. Foam surrounds are notorious for just falling apart at a certain point, regardless of how they're used. Some say ozone, but whatever, doesn't matter, point is not your fault they just fall apart. This is so well known and common you can get j... 
Mind over matter
Yes indeed, the music’s the thing. And if you can keep your mind on it, the sound tends to take care of itself.Thats the hard part, though. On that subject I highly recommend the Three Principles (Mind, Consciousness, and Thought) and of course A... 
Cassette tape
Well since nostalgia seems to be a factor why not just go The Full Monty and get an 8-track? ;) 
Super tweeters, are they worthwile?
My Talon Khorus use super tweeters. Or is it super-duper? I forget. But I know they work, because when I play my test CD and it gets to 40,000 Hz I can put my ear right up to the superstar tweeter and can't hear anything. Since I can't hear anythi... 
Full range vs monitors with sub
Considering subs is easy, the Audiokinesis Swarm at $3k is the best, like getting the Herron phono stage, so good you say well at least we are done with that one now. But that's outside your budget, as are all the subs, or at least the ones that c... 
Effective length of Origin Live Encounter
Its 240 mm (9.45 inches).https://www.originlive.com/hi-fi/tonearm/tonearm-fitting-set-up-installation/Interweb. Gotta love it. 
Music in the 40-80 Hz range
More LF sources is better. Each LF source creates its own room modes depending on the frequency and location of the source. The few big modes you get from one sub won't sound nearly as smooth, fast or good as the many small modes you'll get from t... 
Mind over matter
Yeah, its rough, because without the critical listening technical nit-picking you can't build the music system, but then the same thing that enables the building disables the enjoyment. Audiophilia nervosa, we used to call it.Eventually, my case a...