

Responses from millercarbon

Klipsch Belle center channel hook-up
So two posts. Are they by any chance labeled in any way? Like maybe "+" and "-"?What I am trying to get across, its a speaker. You hook it up, you turn it on. Just not seeing the problem here. 
Am I considered to be a materialistic person?
Relax.As the great philosopher Sting has written: We are spirits in the material world. 
From tubes back to SS?
Yeah, I went back, and it was a mistake. My first truly high end amp was the wonderful McCormack DNA-1. Good as it was, it wasn't quite as good as the Aronov integrated, so out it went. Which btw this was also when I realized tube watts are greate... 
Klipsch Belle center channel hook-up
Did you try + to +, - to -? 
I'm putting to rest worrying about sibilance
Its not the recording. If it was the recording then it would be on every copy of every LP ever made. If it was the recording it would be on reissues. It would for that matter be on the CDs! Its not the recording. Its the pressing.Its quality contr... 
Platter wobble
This might just maybe be a good time to scroll up and read my post one more time. I am not kidding. Totally serious. Now maybe you got another platter and can see how fubar it is you begin to understand. You could totally take a piece of MDF and m... 
I'm putting to rest worrying about sibilance
 So my conclusion is that it Is just inherent in the lp medium to some degreeCongratulations on figuring that much out. That is more than most. So far however you have compared the same LP on different rigs. But what about different copies of th... 
All the old issues of Stereo Review are online!!
Music reviews and ads, okay. Editorial content especially technicals, no way. Stereo Review and Julian Hirsch pushing their wire doesn't matter and if you can't measure it it doesn't exist point of view did real audiophile damage we are still deal... 
Furutech fuse
noromance: I’ve no doubt they make a change or an improvement. I understand they have R&D costs and salaries to pay all those sales people. I’m just not diggin’ the price. For a fuse. I paid almost $400 for a pair of new tubes and that was pus... 
My experience adding subwoofers to 2 channel
The idea mijostyn has (and others, he is far from alone in this) of bass timing being smeared is of course based on the false assumption that human hearing responds to all frequencies equally.That this is false is proven by a simple experiment in ... 
Getting a lot of pops & crackles
No.Yes.What exactly are you doing, cleaning-wise, with your records, stylus, and platter? 
Where to rent 4K DVD's?
Try the Bay? 
Write clearly.I have bought my last receiver. I will upgrade to a good integrated amp. The word "platform" is expunged from my language, except perhaps when discussing politics. Rarely even then. Component audition is the only reliable way. I will... 
Would an Isolation TT platform further improve my TT?
Which gets us nowhere, since it is still begging the question: How?The obvious answer everyone comes up with is something soft. Think inner-tubes on the DIY cheap end, Seismic Shelf or whatever on the spendy end. The problem with all of those bein... 
Bi amp pros out there I could use some help! First time Bi Amping...
Or is there a way better way to get the magic? Yes. Its called a better amp. Take whatever you spend on bi-amping. Two amps. Two power cords. Two speaker cables. Do you use a shelf? Cones? Twice as many of those. It can take a very long time and a...