

Responses from millercarbon

Burn In... the Age Old Question, Cables, Components, and Speakers
The problem with playing all Pink Floyd, one day you will be playing Rachmaninoff and in the background of the quietest passages you will hear, "matter of fact its all dark." Second, do components need to burn in ?Most components are very low mai... 
Crutchfield's Speaker Compare
This sounds as useful as the speaker demos people post on YouTube! Which are indeed useful. My Moabs were purchased without audition, and part of my search process involved listening to them on the same YouTube videos you disparage. They sound jus... 
How deadly is transformer hummm...
To not get shocked, don't create a circuit. No circuit, no shock. 
An EXPERIMENT for those who have never heard differences in cables
There's stuff you can put on the outside of those wires that will make the sound so much better its hard to believe. 
How deadly is transformer hummm...
Sounds like DC offset hum, and the CMX-2 isn't quite doing the job. Send it back. You could try the PS Audio Hum Buster (if you can find one) or DIY as per Nelson Pass https://www.diyaudio.com/forums/solid-state/2080-dc-filter.html 
What do I do with this system?
The improvement from Monster will be immense. The other stuff, presumably you liked it then and will like it now. But connected with Monster is like one baby step up from patch cords and lamp cord.  Wanting to add a turntable, so a tube integrated... 
What have you been working on in 2020?
Holy crap slaw that musta cost a small fortune! Guess it must still be the best around after all.  
shifting soundstage>
does the "sweet spot" change with speaker placement?The sweet spot is more a plane than a spot. Technically its a circular section of a vertical plane, whatever the term is for that. There's a couple different things going on. In terms of pure i... 
Newbie help - Building a system from scratch
You should totally get the Double Impacts. Sound quality uber alles, and even the wife will eventually be won over with how good her favorite music sounds. Not kidding. Tekton has it down. Cover them up with dust covers if you must.  But if not th... 
What have you been working on in 2020?
slaw- Shelf, or Source Shelf? Music Direct? I have several by the way, different sizes, and a pile of MkIV Cones, Round Things, etc some used some NOS I guess you would say. 
Newbie help - Building a system from scratch
There's no one right answer to these questions because everything matters. Even the way I would do it myself if it were for myself or if someone were paying me would be different if I was doing it for "one and done" vs doing it to get started. Bec... 
Newbie help - Building a system from scratch
I like your tube integrated/turntable idea. Its exactly what I do. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367 You would be astounded at how good that can be. But the major components are only a part of the whole. A lot of it is wire, accessories, ... 
First time biasing an amp. Help.
People freak out about electricity all the time, sorry, its just the way they are. This is really simple and nothing to be making such a fuss over. The last paragraph on page 7 is all you need to know.  Set your multi-meter to amps. Put one probe ... 
Concrete Audio Speakers...Speaker Enclosures made out of Concrete ?..
I tried concrete, and the sound was weighty and too hard. I wanted something more airy. So now trying styrofoam.  
Should a reference speaker be neutral, or just great sounding?
Thank you. I wasn't going to be the one to point that out but you are right, my room is the reference. Especially now with my modded Moabs.