

Responses from millercarbon

Ideas on how to improve setup please
Plenty of room for massive improvements with better wire. All of it. Your speaker "cable" is basically fancy hookup wire. Ditto your "interconnects"- yikes! Are you still using freebie rubber power cords?! ANYTHING will be a massive improvement. ... 
Not in love with my system yet. Help!
So many people screwed over by falling for the HT marketing hoopla. Sorry. 2ch works just fine for movies. Less money. Better sound. Live and learn.  Confusing story. One sub worked astounding, so what is the problem connecting two? If you can con... 
Is this how a Subwoofer Crossover is supposed to work?
pinwa,First, congratulations on the Moabs. How long you had em? Should sound real nice with that Willsenton. KT88 or EL34? How's it sound? Aside from the subs I mean.  Sounds like your problem is the line level from the DAC is high enough you're n... 
Room Treatment, Panel Sound Diffusers
The bargain/high value approach is a combination of Owens Corning 703 acoustic panels and Synergistic Research HFT. OC703 is cheap and easily cut to size with a knife, then all you do is wrap with fabric and presto, $500 acoustic panel for $20! Th... 
Should I use Speaker Spike / Isolation Base or Something?
I've tried a lot of spikes, Cones, different materials. Best by far are Townshend springs. But if you're on a budget you can DIY springs from eBay, or use Nobsound springs from Amazon. Incredibly cheap, they outperform a lot of much more expensive... 
Is cartridge Demagnetizing Necessary?
The Sumiko fluxbuster is doing the exact same thing as the XLO and other CD demagnetizing tracks, only difference being the fluxbuster does this at millivolt level to avoid damaging the hair thin MC coils. Its all the same thing, and you can accom... 
Flat speaker sound/preamp the culprit?/external EQ needed?
Is your NAD phono pre plugged into the AUX inputs or the PHONO inputs? Ouch. That could be it. Line level into a phono stage would overload a lot and be truly awful. But I would hope he would not go out and buy a phono stage if he already has on... 
Hybrid Tube & SS
Good answer.Unless you've heard it talk is cheap. Was at a show one time, Chris Brady was doing extensive demo's of his turntables. He can change platters so we were able to hear everything exactly the same except for the platter. At one point fo... 
What does 'cold' mean? What does 'warm' mean?
https://www.stereophile.com/content/sounds-audio-glossary-glossary-b-cOr.... do we all assume these are terms we universally nod our heads to in agreement, whatever they are? Yes. That one. 
Does Anyone Think CD is Better Than Vinyl/Analog?
The cartridge I was using before had a hot top end and it sounded better on some recordings and worse on others. Yes and it will always be this way as long as you try and stuff the square peg in the round hole.  
Stairway to Heaven should only ever be performed by, uh, whoever it was in the first place. 
My left speaker emits a slight soft static high pitched noise
there’s a slight soft static screeching high pitched noise coming out of my left speaker only when I put my ear right up against the tweeter and could sometimes be heard from less than a foot away if my ear was right up against the tweeter. But I ... 
McIntosh fuse changeout to make better sound
Lame. If you can't hear a difference just come out and say you can't hear a difference. If you can hear a difference and just don't think its worth the money then go ahead and say that. Either way is perfectly fine and allows you to maintain moral... 
Refurbishing a Old Vinyl Cabinet, Need Help with Components
Parts Express will have everything you need. You can also call and talk with a tech who can help make sure everything fits, guide you with crossovers and connections, etc.   Part of the charm of these things is the sound. I wouldn't try too hard t... 
Hybrid Tube & SS
In my experience its a whole lot more useful to compare based purely on sound quality. There's really only two technical or objective things I pay any attention to at all: cartridge output, and speaker sensitivity. But then I have over the years p...