

Responses from millercarbon

Townshend Audio Podiums: The Full Review
Send a set my way, I will happily compare! 
Learning To Listen
larryh111:millercarbon, there you go slobbering on the page again. Yes, I used the word slobber. At first I was going to use dribble but you got so caught up in yourself that all you left behind was a bunch of slobbering babble.  " When people t... 
Townshend Audio Podiums: The Full Review
I didn't remove it. Some mod who sympathized with some triggered snowflake removed it. I stand by every single word. It is pointless trying to corrrespond with people who cannot comprehend even simple sentences. You for example spent the last two ... 
Townshend Audio Podiums: The Full Review
This is what I mean by the futility of trying to converse with someone with very low reading comprehension. 
Townshend Audio Podiums: The Full Review
bluemoodriver-MC - so what do you think the springs and bellows are doing?  Please explain. This is what I mean by the futility of trying to converse with someone with very low reading comprehension. This has been explained already, very clearly, ... 
Schumann Resonator
All mine were added one and two at a time. I heard the improvement each time. But hardly ever do I go back and take something out just to be doing it all over again. Used to, a lot, and totally get why this is a thing. When first learning and deve... 
Townshend Audio Podiums: The Full Review
bluemoodriver- How the devil do you think the microscopic and high frequency vibrations your cabinet experience are dampened in any way by springs and bellows with holes in. I don't. They aren't. Where did you get that idea from anyway? For sure i... 
Townshend Audio Podiums: The Full Review
bluemoodriver- again, one more teachable moment:The magnet isn’t meant to move of course. The coil does - probably less than a 10th the mass of the magnet. So the vibration movement of the cabinet in the vertical plane is probably a 10th of that e... 
Townshend Audio Podiums: The Full Review
Mitch- Adjusting for level it is a whole lot easier to just turn a screw. That is what Townshend does with their Pods and Podiums. Rather than messing around trying to find springs that balance either get Townshend or if you are DIY then just dril... 
Anyone Know The Fuse Value of A Decware ZP-3 Phono Preamp?
When all else fails, the value is right there on the fuse. 
Learning To Listen
Is it “mices” or “mikes?”It’s "mics". But you could be forgiven for "mikes". Mices on the other had is bad grammar for multiple rodents.This seems to be a skill, like juggling, which one could learn with a little knowledge and a little practice. S... 
HELP! Large speakers fell over during shipping.
The problem with crating is they assume a forklift will be used and that everything will be kept upright. Cardboard boxes actually work better because they require padding all the way around. That is for example what Tekton does. They are marked U... 
Had an epiphany, what would happen when all of you die?
This is not about analog directly or even music, I don’t think there is another place in this planet with adepts like most of you are here in audiogon, what will happen when you all die? Raul, MC, Mijo, Lew, Erik, Atmasphere...Thanks. Allow me to ... 
Are warm or colored speakers disrespectful of musicians/producer/engineers?
Not only speakers are disrespectful. So are power cords, interconnects, rooms, and people who do anything but sit and listen respectfully. https://youtu.be/vJpVlt1Y7rw?t=72 
What is the most analytical sounding amplifier that you have heard?
Mark Levinson is the epitome of analytical. One time I was listening to a record that seemed almost perfect at first, but yet within minutes I was sick and tired and uncomfortable and really did not want to continue listening at all. This fascinat...