Responses from millercarbon
Speaker Positioning - ProAc D30RS My floor is thick carpet like yours. I’ve gone from spikes to Cones to Cones with Round Things to springs to now Townshend Podiums. Each one was a lot better than the one before, but the jump to Podiums was greatest of all. Probably the best speak... | |
Tru-Sweep Not to agree or disagree, but aren’t static charges generated by rubbing different materials against each other? Comb through hair, clothes in dryer, etc? So yeah I would think a brush constantly running along the record would generate some static... | |
Is the appeal to euphonic distortion learned? Shamelessly stolen. Oh well at least you waited a decent amount of time.And thank you for making my point. | |
Townsend springy platforms for my Sasha 2s, springs not ISOA GIAS, HRTs for electronics??? That is a good plan. Rest assured you can blame me either way. Also you can blame me even for stuff I never came anywhere near! Robert Downey Jr warned me, goes with the territory. So long as you provide your own paint pen I am fine with autograph... | |
How loud are you typically listening? I listen at a very satisfyingly loud level most of the time. Sometimes a little to the low side of that. With the way the system is now I find when it is cranked up real loud instead of sounding real loud it sounds thrilling exhilarating loud. I m... | |
The beginning of my stereo set up You are off to a very good start. What table? Or is that next? | |
Speaker Positioning - ProAc D30RS The room overload fallacy | |
Borrowing equipment from dealers Let me cut right to the chase: waste of time. Here is my system: want a story? Read the stories in the comments. People who have been here and heard it. One guy the guitar was so much more dimensionally... | |
Refurbishing 30 year old speakers The sound you like is largely down to the pleasing colorations of the cabinet and cones. New surrounds will not affect that much, if at all. If all you do is replace crossover components with somewhat better quality parts this won't change the sou... | |
Anyone still do insightful or intelligent lyrics? Actually no, that is not a translation, that is a completely different thing altogether! What the OP actually said was, Is anyone writing intelligent, insightful lyrics anymore? How do you "translate" that into "lost touch with modern music"????... | |
Most rooms don’t need acoustical treatment. You clearly have not heard very many power cords. D'oh! | |
Stirring Up Trouble It's genetic. Taste, smell, hearing, etc all can be traced back to a molecular level ultimately derived from DNA. I discovered this when my wife ate some native Washington berry that no one here would ever eat, or even consider edible! She thought... | |
Speaker Positioning - ProAc D30RS Excellent! Not surprised those speakers have the room vibrating! A lot of energy going from the speakers directly into the floor and walls will have them vibrating. It was a factor even in my four times as big room. A lot of what I thought was a r... | |
Townsend springy platforms for my Sasha 2s, springs not ISOA GIAS, HRTs for electronics??? I wouldn’t bother with spikes. But if it will bug you not to try them then by all means go for it. My Moabs are almost as massive. Here’s how I turned it into a relatively easy one man job. First, measure three corners of each speaker where they s... | |
Raven Audio Nighthawk Congratulations Oz, something tells me you will be in heaven. You've probably already come across this in your research but if not this is bound to get you even more excited. |