
Responses from mikelavigne

What is meant exactly by the description 'more musical'?
some amps are about the sound; meaning you are more aware of pieces of the sound....bass.....detail.....high frequencies.....maybe impact and aggressive beat. it might sound very clean and even scrubbed a little. note decay can be clipped. certain... 
What percentage of digital vs. analog?
To those who have large classical record collections, what percentage of the time do you spend listening to your records? i own about 5000 Classical pressings, of my total approximately 12,000 pressing collection. and my vinyl listening is 75% ... 
Anyone else using slugs instead of fuses? Comments on metals used and sound please
i don’t use slugs in place of fuses, although my amplifiers come with thermal couplers instead of fuses. which eliminates the noise factor there. and my preamp is battery powered so no fuses there either. what i did do relevant to slugs is my Equ... 
"The Ultra High-End Speaker."
Ask Lavigne what role play his room in his sound quality experience and say to him that he throw his money out of the window with his room , all we need is the higher price tag and synergy between components .... you don’t need a custom designe... 
"The Ultra High-End Speaker."
my opinion is that you can achieve ultra high end sound with Revel Salon 2’s. given the appropriate sized room, meticulously treated, top notch power grid, solid well matured signal path and superior sources. there is nothing about a Salon 2 hold... 
Does a record player make that much of a difference??
hi Josh, there are levels of performance for turntable packages like you have, and also for the individual parts of the whole system; platter/plinths, arms, cartridges, phono cables, and even phono cables. there are not strict dollar values to th... 
Golden Ears?
there is a physiological aspect to listening, which results in diminished high frequency audibility as we age. but there is also a learning aspect to music listening with more practice. and the process and refining of listening critically is somet... 
Ken Fritz stereo system auction is live...
best wishes with the auction, hope you have good action. i spoke to Ken on the phone a few times over the years and met him at an audio show once. we had some things in common in our levels of commitment to system building but he was beyond me fo... 
How easily can you distinguish between different DACs?
@audiodwebe comparing dacs is a step in system building. but for instance, having speakers and amps that are competent to reveal differences is a requirement to hear dac differences. or if you are using headphones, the quality of the headphones ... 
Speakers 10 years old or older that can compete with todays best,
This is not to say Mike’s room does not sound good but he does stubbornly refuse to make it sound better @mijostyn not doing dsp is not refusing to make things better; you are blind to a different approach. after building the room and taking ... 
Speakers 10 years old or older that can compete with todays best,
Not to unnecessarily stir up the "why no DSP?"-question that appears to have been aimed your way already as an option with your system, but have you - in the analogue domain with an electronic crossover - experimented with an outboard active conf... 
Speakers 10 years old or older that can compete with todays best,
@mijostyn we have already kicked this can around completely. nothing more to say about it. look up our last go around and read my responses. i have 8000-9000 Lps pressed prior to the late 70’s. and a couple thousand reissues since then without ... 
Speakers 10 years old or older that can compete with todays best,
Instead of knowing you have the best possible system, waste time and money searching for something better. @mijostyn Honestly, i’m not searching. My speaker builder wants me to buy the new version. Im not really doing anything to make that hap... 
Speakers 10 years old or older that can compete with todays best,
You might just surprise yourself. DEQX is recruiting 120 audiophiles to beta test the programming of their new processor, the Pre 8. It has a programmable 4 way digital crossover in it. Retail in the US is going to be $13K but they are giving the... 
Speakers 10 years old or older that can compete with todays best,
Somewhere I heard you were trying to sell them? @mijostyn i did list them for sale on Audiogon for a couple of months, my ad makes it clear i’m good whether they sell or not. honestly i am torn, and all my friends think i’m nuts to sell them...