
Responses from mikelavigne

CSPort vs TechDAS
@chauncey for 8 years (2002--2011) i owned the Rockport Sirius III with vacuum hold down. very high level of execution. but it does add a level of complication to the design. fabulous turntable. i wish i still owned it. i am neutral about the e... 
The Snob Appeal Premium
Here is the thing… if I buy a Lamborghini… there are some people that will be impressed when they see it heading down the road. On the other hand if I buy a pair of $100k snob appeal loudspeakers… virtually no one will notice them or give a cr$p... 
CSPort vs TechDAS
not owned any Techdas turntables, but they are certainly fine products. heard them at shows. i have owned the CS Port LFT1 now for almost 5 years and to my ears prefer it’s music making presentation to the Techdas. greater ease and less of a mecha... 
Digitally recorded vinyl vs streaming
too many variables to say whether your streaming is better than your vinyl playback with your digitally sourced vinyl. ---how great is your streaming? ---how great is your vinyl playback? ---do you mostly listen to processed pop music? acoustic... 
Can an audio rack be that important?
rack investment is a relative thing to where you are on the system building path. no one size fits all. 1-to begin with put your gear on the floor and invest your money in the best pair of speakers you can afford. that is the quickest path to the... 
Magico's M9
classic Audiogon clown show stuff. why do i even take the time to look? i know how the posts will read already. can’t this forum ever consider the performance merits or build quality of an expensive product, why does price get everyone’s panties ... 
Reel to Reel - Half Track - Quarter Track
no, that deck cannot play a half track recording properly as it has 4 heads reading 2 tracks. not sure the spread of the heads so can’t say whether you are reading one track twice, or both tracks partially. in any case it’s never going to work. t... 
Has Your Hobby Changed?
2 weeks ago, on May 15th, i retired after 49 years in Automotive Retail. i am very curious to see how this change in my life and time management will affect my hifi/music loving hobby. now i can listen as much as i like, before i worked 55 hours ... 
What does it take to be a die hard Beatles fan?
accepting ’Get Back’ as a very good or great film or even worth the time does not make or break one’s Beatles fandom qualifications. i see this documentary as a table full of excesses which i visit and consume at my own speed. from time to time i ... 
Shootout: Roon versus Plex, Qobuz versus Tidal: Who Won?
at the tip top of the hardware/software food chain (Wadax Ref dac and Ref server) hard to beat Roon and Quboz as of today. but Roon is hard baked into Wadax. as higher rez files are more common maybe Qudoz will get more competition. Tidal is quit... 
Your audiophile chair
When you are listening in your chair are you in a reclined position or upright? @ronboco my chair is always in a slightly reclined position (see link below for a picture). my chair has a fixed backrest, fixed seat, and fixed leg supports. it... 
the picture on the Miller Carbon website is of the room and system of my friend Bob Vinyard in Oregon. Bob hosts Rhapsody Audio: Portland. https://rhapsody.audio/location-portland/  
Your audiophile chair
the Ekones Stressless is an excellent chair for lounging. i use one for TV watching, have owned 3 or 4 over time, and really like it when i have the back reclined. but for listening to stereo it’s not ideal, in that mostly it cups the sound around... 
Bass only when I stand up…
consider a ’swarm’. i’ve been in a 12’ x 12’ x 8’ very small room with great bass. when you look at the room no way it should work, but it does. not cheap, cheap, but not crazy spendy either. cheaper than trying to build another room or find anot... 
Vinyl static ionizers who's used them?
i own three turntables, and own -2- CS Port IME1’s and a single DS Audio ion-001. so one for each turntable. the advantages of the stand mounted version is continuous emitting of negative ions to reduce static and lower noise. and you turn them ...