Responses from mike_in_nc
DEQX Beginner seeking advice Thanks, drewan77, for the tips. Though I decided not to keep the DEQX (the relay clicks and dropouts when changing sample rate proved too distracting), the general principles you outlined are useful to know. I can use them for adjusting subs, what... | |
DEQX Beginner seeking advice Al, Thanks very much for the hints. They will be useful.I have no doubt that I could master the DEQX software; however, I am less sure I can master it in two weeks -- two weeks of life filled with other activities as well. But I'll sure give it a ... | |
Is DEQX a game changer? Bombaywalla: Peter Lyngdorf (in Denmark) was a partner in TacT, is (or was) a principal of DALI, and has been involved with several other major audio companies. An important man in the field, to be sure! And yes, TacT itself is out of business -- ... | |
Is DEQX a game changer? Hi Almarg, I'll add my voice to those interested in your DEQX results. My system uses a TacT 2.2X to provide DRC and crossover to subs. This is a big improvement in most cases, but with about 15% of my music library, the added grain or hardness fr... | |
Best DAC to also use as a preamp The answer depends on whether you need analog inputs. If not, the PS PWD II is a great sounding unit. As has been noted, it's very musical. Because PS has come out with a new model, they are available cheaply used (including from me, so maybe I'm ... | |
From Metrum Octave to Lynx Hilo or exaSound e28? The Hilo has 6 independent DAC channels only if you are using USB or thunderbolt as input. However, that seems the case in your system. (The SPDIF and AES inputs use a single digital receiver.)The volume knob can control any of the outputs, but I ... | |
Revel studio + voice Best amps Bryston or Proceed I have a pair of Studios and a Bryston 14B-SST, very similar in power and design to the 7B-SST monoblocks used by Yyz. I agree with him that this is a great combo. With my Muse 10 CD player running straight into the Bryston, the sound is as clean,... | |
Power cord to add ease and tame treble. Have you applied any acoustic treatments to the room? That's where I'd look, rather than power cables. Just a suggestion.... | |
Help with NHT 3.3 s I agree with others that it's likely to be a room and placement problem. What kind of wall is behind the 3.3s? If you are getting bass in other rooms, it's leaking out of the listening room. I would bet you have a standard, modern, junky wallboard... |