
Responses from mike_in_nc

Advice on trustworthy audio resellers who check condition, offer trial period?
I second what @rego said: Reno HiFi gave me very good service when I tried out a Pass X250.8 a year or two ago. Really great people. 
Class an vs class d
At that level of quality and expense, the only way to know is to audition them in your own system. I don’t believe anyone on the internet can tell you anything very useful to making a choice.As @erik_squires said, the class is irrelevant. Both Cla... 
Evaluating Classical Music Albums
I check the Daily Deals on eClassical (a download source owned by BIS Recordings). It is a great way to get good-sounding and well performed repertoire. Any downloads can be refunded, if you don’t like them, within 30 days. So risk free. And BIS r... 
sound quality control (mixing) at live venues
Sure, it's a mess. When I see the sound guy (it's always been a guy) wearing earplugs, I know I'm in for the worst. 
Nostalgia, Hyperbole, etc. But some of the old DVD-A I have sound damn good.
I agree, DVD-A was a good format -- well, except for the need in many cases to have a video monitor attached to play music.But the same sound can be got from 24/96 or 24/192 downloads. Audio quality will vary from release to release, but they prov... 
Best steaming DAC with room correction
The miniDSP SHD is a streaming DAC/preamp with Dirac room correction. It also allows integrating subs. I have an SHD and can report that the streaming is reliable. It uses the Volumio streaming software, either with its own app or as a DLNA render... 
Advice on trustworthy audio resellers who check condition, offer trial period?
Like many others (including hifihandyman above), I've had good experiences dealing with Echo Audio in Portland, OR. 
DIY xlr cables
Mogami W2549 is considered by many in pro audio to be one of the best. I have been using it for years for balanced ICs and am completely happy with it. 
Looking for a integrated DAC/AMP to power my Elac UF5's < $1500
I haven’t heard the others. I do have a Nuprime, which you’re welcome to listen to if you’re near Portland, Oregon. You could even bring over your speakers.Nuprime also offers the IDA-16 (for more money, of course), with 2x the power output.Good l... 
Looking for a integrated DAC/AMP to power my Elac UF5's < $1500
Maybe a Nuprime IDA-8. At $1100 new, I don’t think you can do better for the money. They do turn up used from time to time.MikeP.S. For every product, someone will hate it. For every product, someone will love it So you won't find a unit that is e... 
I need a loudness switch
mijostyn: Yes, I’m aware that old loudness controls boosted both bass & treble, and that the F-M curves justify that.I read many years ago that the treble boost is questionable. I can’t remember where I read that, so I can’t cite a source. I w... 
I need a loudness switch
As noted by mijostyn, loudness compensation might be a good solution. The most noticeable effect of loudness compensation is to boost the bass at low volumes. The Schiit Loki is a 4-band, analog EQ that many audiophiles like. You might give one a ... 
Subwoofer interconnect quality question
I agree with @millercarbon on this. Changing a sub's position -- sometimes even a little -- makes far more difference to my ears than changing cables. I'll go further, and say the same thing is true of main speakers, as well. 
DSP and stores - Anyone else get the feeling they might be sweetening?
I haven’t had any such experiences. As to DSP, my impression is, the average dealer doesn’t have the patience or knowledge to set it up well. Maybe things have changed.As to honesty and forthrightness, I guess we have good dealers here (Portland, ... 
Balanced to RCA
For a definitive answer, I’d go with the recommendation of the manufacturer of the balanced-output source component. (Some manufacturers even provide wiring diagrams for their recommended method of going from balanced to unbalanced.)It makes me un...