
Responses from mike_in_nc

Damping Factor vs speaker sensitivity
I would not think so. Damping factor affects mainly smoothness of frequency response, because it is inversely related to output impedance of the amp. A high DF gives smoother frequency response on a speaker whose impedance varies with frequency (m... 
Wendell Diller: "You don't wanna put a subwoofer with a Magneplanar; it doesn't work."
@jkf011 - I’ve not heard your system, but I have heard one system I remember well with panel speakers and conventional, if high-quality, cone subs. It sounded fantastic. As with so many things in audio, results come more from care and quality of i... 
Wendell Diller: "You don't wanna put a subwoofer with a Magneplanar; it doesn't work."
I remember Wendell Diller from a demo of Maggies at a local dealership. He insisted on playing a recording of a solo cello at the same volume as a freight train. Everything else he played was also absurdly loud. I don't think I'd take advice from ... 
Are Expensive Balanced Interconnects Necessary?
If you stick with Mogami or Canare wires, you are assured of neutral cables. If you like the rest of your system, that's what I'd recommend. You can have cables made to your exact needed lengths and save a ton of money over the "boutique" brands. ... 
Pass Labs INT-25 Integrated amp paired with Harbeth 30.2 XD speakers
I understand the appeal of a lovely Pass integrated, but I don’t think it will supply enough power. I drive the P3ESR in my desktop system with 200 wpc. I like large amps, with their lower likelihood of clipping or dynamic compression. To me, they... 
Room tuning or listen to as is condition?
About 20 yrs ago, I had a small windfall and bought the most costly speakers I've owned -- Revel Ultima Studio. (I am a scientist, not a doctor, lawyer, or tycoon -- so no Wilsons or YG or Magicos.) I got them delivered, and they sounded just like... 
Has anyone had on of these CD players? How good are they?
My thought is that mechanical things wear out quicker than purely electronic ones. So I would not spend a ton of money on an older CD player, even for use as a transport.  
Best speakers for Opera.
I will agree that electrostatics should be good for opera, as they are clean and nonresonant, as a class, in the vocal range. Quads are one good example, if you can live with the restricted dynamic range. If you didn't want electrostatics, I woul... 
Need help to select a speaker
P.S. Regarding my recommendation of the Janszen Carmelita Passive, I forgot to mention my listening habits. They are mostly classical, with an emphasis on chamber music, piano sonatas, choral music, and occasionally lieder, organ music, or music f... 
Need help to select a speaker
@inteliaudio - For smoothness and low distortion, it's hard to beat electrostatics. You might consider the Janszen Carmelita passive. Janszen's current lineup are unusual (if not unique) among electrostatic speakers in not being dipoles. As you ... 
What Is Most Important?
+1 @blisshifi . My mood on a particular day can make the difference between enchantment and . . . disenchantment.  
PS Audio BHK 600
Paul is an agreeable guy and really knows how to sell it.  
I would not buy a Chord without auditioning the Mola Mola Tambaqui as well. It omits the flashy but nonfunctional Chord aesthetics. The Mola Mola is designed by some of the leading engineers in audio today, and reportedly the sound is superb. Just... 
Dvorak Cello Concerto
Search on these streaming services is terrible. I have the recording, and Roon says it’s also available on Qobuz: I’m someone who rarely has a single favorite of anything. In this concerto, I also like Christan Poltéra, a fine cellist: Proba... 
Subwoofer RCA Cable
@juanmanuelfangioii : Spend the money on music.  Best advice yet!