

Responses from mijostyn

Pairing Magicos with a sub
Magico makes the best commercial subs you can buy. Stick with them. Why corrupt great speakers with subs not up to the job. Will it increase dynamic expression at low volumes? You bet. Ideally you will need two of them but you can start with one e... 
Class A Solid State Sound
The classic comparison is between Pass And Boulder Warm VS Dry, Tubish vs Transistorish. I am not totally sure about this but there is something about Class A bipolar amps which causes the designers to want to use fans and fancy bias tracking sche... 
Benchmark Preamps and Amp - For real?
aberyclark the AHB2 is better than any class D amp I have ever heard.It is also beautifully constructed and no doubt will last a lifetime. 
Tube Amps Watts vs SS amp
Roberjerman, I went back and looked at the Heresy's timeline. It does date back to 1957 but it was called the H 700. It was given the Heresy name with an update in 1972 which was probably the year I got them as they were marketed at the time as ne... 
Tube Amps Watts vs SS amp
It is the clipping that is important. Glass clips softly, sand hard. 
Tube Amps Watts vs SS amp
Atmasphere, I am certainly a believer in considering how the sensitivity of our ears changes with volume as were scientists long ago. Harvey Fletcher and Wilden Munson wrote their famous paper back in 1933. Loudness correction was a standard featu... 
Anyone Here Have Atma-Sphere Amps?
Atmasphere, The lower the impedance the less efficient a speaker becomes. Transformerless SS amps respond to this by putting out more power and as long as their output sections can handle it and the power supplies can dish it out everyone is happy... 
Anyone Here Have Atma-Sphere Amps?
Atmasphere, if I order a set of MA 3s can I get them in red :) 
Tube Amps Watts vs SS amp
Atmasphere, one more series of questions. The Sensitivity measurement in db/1watt/1meter, is this measured with white noise? Does this really tell you how the speaker will perform with music? Is "music sensitivity"frequency dependent. I roll off m... 
Tube Amps Watts vs SS amp
Atmasphere, thanx for the article. For certain humans are extraordinarily change resistant. That is an unusual perception for an engineer. Those that embrace change are the pioneers like Tesla, Ford, Musk and others less well known. Too bad non of... 
Power amps into surge protector/Conditioner or DIRECT to wall? Final verdict?
Pretty expensive solution cleeds. I'm not sure why everyone thinks separate lines will reduce noise. The are all connected to the same main.Any power supply worth is salt filters noise. It should be particularly good at filtering 60 Hz noise. You ... 
SME release new Garrard 301
SME now owns Garrard and Loricraft the company that service Garrards.Where did you see that they are re releasing the 301? 
Besides Aja and zeppelin pressings, what others are demo level recordings?
millercarbon I do not know about you but I have no problem listening through a rather crude pressing to the quality of the recording, engineering and mastering. It would be nice if all records could be Analog productions pressing but that is not l... 
Quad 2912 vs Martin Logan ESL 11a
Soundlabs are currently the best ESLs made and they will ship anywhere. Far superior to any ML or Quad and they will play loud and are extremely reliable. You do not have to audition them. Just read all the reviews. 
Tube Amps Watts vs SS amp
browndt, Have you heard a Pass Xs 300 lately?