

Responses from mijostyn

How do you know when tubes are done?
Thanx Veridian! My first ST-70 cost $79 in kit form. Can't remember what the built price was. Those M-125 amps look very interesting maybe for a small system up stairs. Let's see...Rogers LS3-5As. TD 124 with an SME on it. A PAS 3X. Just like old ... 
My experience adding subwoofers to 2 channel
Tim, I think you need to drop your Adderall dose:) Sub woofers are not more prevalent in high end audio because they add expense, they take up space and women do not like the looks. Not to mention that there are still many audiophiles who think so... 
How do you know when tubes are done?
roberjerman you are showing your age! Heathkit? Us Dynaco guys use to sneer at the Heathkit guys but you had to be braver to do a Heathkit because you had to build the boards, Dynacos you just had to do the point to point wiring. Bravo! I wish man... 
Blackbird / SME
Viridian, Some things are demonstrable facts and others are opinions. I have no problem stating facts for what they are unless someone can give me data to the contrary. Saying that a tonearm "chatters" is a rather derogatory comment sure to bother... 
Class A Solid State Sound
kosst I am not saying that Atma-spheres are the absolute best amp for those speakers but if someone were using a sub woofer and liked the other attributes of Ralph's amps. Why not? Damping factor is not everything. There are those (mostly Mcintosh... 
Blackbird / SME
Viridian, experience is everything in this life. Yes I am old and have had a lot of tonearms which does not explain you backing out of an argument because you have no idea what you are talking about and are intensionally misleading everyone in thi... 
Bass management with stand alone preamps
Electrostatic loudspeakers. Martin Logans are ESLs from about 250 Hz up most of their speakers cross over to standard woofers. I think they still make one full range ESL. ESLs run on a different principle than regular dynamic divers. In the middle... 
Bass management with stand alone preamps
No, I meant with the sub woofer. I know Dr West. One of my heroes. He has kept the faith and the flame alive.Making an ESL sub woofer that you could use in an average room is a tough one. My own feeling is that ESLs having to be dipoles have never... 
Blackbird / SME
Viridian I would tend to trust SME's specs more than Analog ClassicsChatter is a figment of some peoples minds for some reason. I doubt this can happen even with loose bearing races. Forget about tapping the arm tube. Tap the cartridge body. If th... 
Bass management with stand alone preamps
They are not listed on the site. At least I have not seen them. What does he do? 
Blackbird / SME
Viridian, the effective mass of the detachable head shell version is 12.5 gms. This version is 9.5 grams not 6.5. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that vertical bearing it is just expensive to make. Every arm has some "secondary" resonances ... 
My experience adding subwoofers to 2 channel
It is not only phase but arrival times that are important. Two woofers can be in phase at a specific frequency but if one is say 15 feet from the listening position and another 10 feet from the listening position the arrival times will vary and th... 
Benchmark AHB2 - To 'mono' or not to 'mono'
georgehifi in order to make that work right you need a rather expensive digtal crossover to do it right. Then you bypass the in speaker analog network.ssnk you really should look into Channel D's Pure Music. You do have to buy it but you get a fre... 
Class A Solid State Sound
Kosst I think Ralph would give you a huge argument on that one. It has to do with the relationship between sensitivity and efficiency which are not the same. Anyway, he says his amps drive low impedance loads just fine. He has several amps on Wils... 
Bass management with stand alone preamps
I can do better Atmasphere. It is not far off the distributed array idea but is a more powerful. I have mentioned it before on this site. I have linear arrays which project power differently than point source speakers. Their power drops off at the...