
Responses from mig007

How can you not have multichannel system
For the technical or engineer, a schematic:http://www.sonicstudio.com/pdf/dsd/SACD_FormatOverview.pdf 
How can you not have multichannel system
Oops, here is the sitehttp://www.positive-feedback.com/Issue39/sacd.htm 
How can you not have multichannel system
Here is another sacd article where the reviewer lists her favorite 2 channel and multichannel sacds. Along the way she sheds some light, but not right on the nose. Worthwile if you want to try a few discs, even if 2 channel. 
How can you not have multichannel system
[Captain's Log] We're fast approaching the planet Vinylphilia where the inhabitants, Vinylphiliacs are reporting a crisis with its turntables suffering from unstable platter rotation. [Capt Kirk to Spock] Are we closer to a solution? [Spock], no, ... 
How can you not have multichannel system
Tvad, try this one, its a sacd primer (for two channel only), done by the engineers for the Rolling Stones sacds. Its a technical site for mixing so if that doesn't work, possbly they can refer you to another one.http://mixonline.com/internet/newf... 
How can you not have multichannel system
Tvad, I will try to find that primer and get back to you with it; at least you've made an effort to understand it. 
How can you not have multichannel system
Mr. Smuck, no, I won't attempt to cook your steak, but nice 'Vegas' effect with your system, or were you trying to imagine what a hi-fi system would look like on the 'Enterprise'. 
How can you not have multichannel system
Tvad, I decided to help you along and with my incredible research skills (having honed them at the Library of Congress)I found an interview with the chief engineer of the multichannel sacd Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd. He goes into every de... 
How can you not have multichannel system
Even the Communist Chinese understand and appreciate what multichannel sacd brings to the music (see the following site, http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/en/doc/2003-12/09/content_288700.htm). I could go on and on and if some of you naysayers properly... 
How can you not have multichannel system
And music reporter's take at: http://www.usatoday.com/life/music/news/2003-10-09-dylan-master_x.htm 
How can you not have multichannel system
Again, another consumer review, with his/her insight as to the difference. "Blood on the tracks has been reviewed so often, I just wanted to say this 5.1 mix is amazing. I've heard this album a hundred times and with this mix, I'm hearing instrume... 
How can you not have multichannel system
Again, another consumer's review on the contributions of sacd multichannel, "The SACD/CD 2003 version features a new CD remix and a 5.1 surround remix that keeps Dylan's voice (and "Blood on the Tracks" is his best-sung album) up front where it be... 
How can you not have multichannel system
Here is a review of the album as 5.1 sacd. Found this over on Amazon. Thought this would provide some insight other than my own. "Blood on the Tracks, an already classic album, just got better with this SACD hybrid version. The 5.1 surround mix is... 
How can you not have multichannel system
Well, I read the various replies and appreciate Eldartford's well-written replies, but continue to be amazed at the lack of understanding, willingness to understand the process of producing multichannel sacd (dvd audio) discs. If any reader wants ... 
How can you not have multichannel system
In my opinion, the video analogy is right on, if you understand multichannel re-mixing of stereo discs. What is so hard to understand that when you take the original tracks and remix them over 5 channels instead of two, the instruments and vocals ...