

Responses from michaelgreenaudio

"What the hell happened?"HEA is not the same (no where near) as the audiophile products of the 70's-80's-90's. Now with a little care and knowledge one can easily beat up the expensive way over built audio products being peddled by the same ole re... 
Has to be said
"Well, how does one bring it into tune??"you tune it"everything affects everything else" mgyou guys should try doing stuff once in a while :)For those who have already converted to Low Mass Tunable systems, you’re so far ahead of the curve it does... 
What do you say to your audiophile friends who say you just listen to your equipment more
I can't get my friends out of my listening chair long enough for me to say anything. So I stay off to the side and tap my toes. 
Whats playing on your system today?
the original five blind boys of alabamastand by me 
Why discussions generate into personal affronts...
To The OPThere are always places you can find reasonable forums that are well mannered. It's a function of the owners and mods that make a forum what it is.No reason to get yourself stuck in the wrong place.Michael 
Talk but not walk?
Hi GeoffAre you keeping everyone inline? Hope you have a good thanksgiving!mgquote from a low mass tunable system listener from Norway that I received minutes ago"I'm sitting here smiling as I play music. Incredibly fun to hear how the sound chang... 
Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking...
Everything affects everything else, a simple truth in all things physics and all things audio. The better your system becomes (nothing to do with price) the more you will move from saying "Bad recording" to "I never heard that before".Our systems ... 
Talk but not walk?
Thank You ReadersI've enjoyed watching some of you convert your systems from high mass to low mass this year, from small soundstages to huge and more than anything watching you go from saying "bad recordings" to "I can hear how good they are now".... 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
Thank you Glupson. 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
I haven't read but the OP, but the title jumps from the page."what is wrong with audiophiles"It's a question that has been asked since the daze of Stereo Review. My answer is "which camp of audiophiles are you asking". There are so many levels and... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Eric Bibb "Diamond Days"On the Rev8 Hardwood 
I'm having a really hard time with: "Power cable reduced my soundstage"...
That’s better GK! I think when you come up on this forum talking about certain topics that you should let people know you use a Portable Sony Walkman and ear buds and not an in-room system or one that uses power cables and such so others can see y... 
Can one ever be "done" in this hobby?
Sorry carp, they’re called audio forums :)Nothing wrong with humor, I'm chuckling a little as I speak. It's just that many of the threads here get dumbed down so quickly it takes away from the readers wanting to actually be a part of serious liste... 
Well ... The Lightbulb Just Went On!
Hi MillerYou're not using very much logic here. Why don't you let the thread continue on the merits it started with. Any part any where has a coloration. That's been established since the 70's. Why not build on reality and move forward from there.... 
I'm having a really hard time with: "Power cable reduced my soundstage"...
This is another thread that makes me ask "do you guys even use power cables"?Why come up to a topic if your own experience is that limited? Power cables are not that tough to figure out yet all kinds of speculations, assumptions and techno-verbiag...