
Responses from mewsickbuff

Ingress Audio Engineering
@ nonoise, for any statement made, there will be critics AND supporters. Music and the hobby of trying to make the SQ the best we can, with the means we have, is a SUBJECTIVE experience. These forums introduce and educate in areas we may never hav... 
Ingress Audio Engineering
Thanks a lot everyone for your input. I've ordered 4 sets of the level 3's. Barry said, "In fact, outside of digital gear, they may make the largest difference when placed under speakers.  When I first tried them under my Magnepans I said that b... 
HeadAmp Blue Hawaii HP amp
I know it's been a long time since any responses to this thread but can anyone give me a clue?  How happy would I be with the bass from Johnny "Guitar" Watson's, "A Real Mother For Ya?" or "One Sweet Day" by Mariah Carey and Boyz 2 Men? or Michael... 
Song (or music) you want played at your funeral.
I consider my life a gift. Good experiences have outweighed the bad. Though I won't be able to hear the songs I've chosen to be played when my time comes to its end, I'm satisfied. Because I listen to and cherish them now. I hope they cause those ... 
Speaker vibration control device
Thanks for all the input. There are lots of beautiful, affordable things out there if one knows where to look. Decided to go with these: digging a little deeper I see these will work wi... 
Beyond the sound of things, and into the soul of things.
I'm a music lover who grew up listening to music from the 60's and 70's, many from a handheld transistor radio. My parents owned a radio that sat on top of our fridge that played mostly one AM station on Sunday mornings and a record player that wa... 
High resolution digital is dead. The best DAC's killed it.
I had a Calyx Femto DAC (now sold) that had a phase option with "inverse." I never used it. It was an excellent DAC, but I sold it and bought my current DAC, T + A DAC 8 DSD. It has many options for PCM or DSD with multiple filters and settings. I... 
power cord
Budget no more than $200 used. 
Computer power cord upgrade, is it worth it?
Yes, all my music is stored on my computer as mostly FLAC (from CD rips and HDtracks downloads) mp3 (Amazon downloads) or WAV (from files converted from vinyl LP's using Audacity). I've got a WyWires Platinum USB cable from my computer to T + A DA... 
power cord
Thanks lak, will do! Most everybody likes gummy worms, pops, lol.  
RCA vs Phono cable
How does low capacitance effect sound quality? 
RCA vs Phono cable
Thanks all, glad to hear the Synergistic Research cable will probably do well. Got the Graham Slee phono preamp this morning and hooked it up with an ancient Red/Black RCA cable and it sounds pretty good. Noticing a lot less snap, crackle and pop ... 
RCA vs Phono cable
My turntable has a hardwired (L & R) cable with ground wire to attach to the Graham Slee’s input. But the "output" cable from the Graham Slee to the preamp is the one I’m asking about. So I'm assuming the "Synergistic Research RCA.interconnect... 
Balanced cables
@ audiozen you said, "Back in 1998 I purchased a pair of Paradigm Active 20 speakers and a BAT Vk3 preamp. I decided to buy an pair an eight foot of MIT interconnects with the box on the cables. They retailed for $1000.00 and Audio Advisor was ... 
HeadAmp Blue Hawaii HP amp
Thanks for the facts. I'm not interested in changing gear frequently (not enough capital for that) or having my eardrums busted. But my greatest concern is the bass. I've read it goes deep. Is the BHSE's bass anything like the Sennheiser HD 800 (D...