
Responses from metralla

Coincident Total Reference vs Zu Definition
Coincident Total Reference in the bedroom. You must be joking. That would be a waste. Never heard the Melody and I seriously doubt that pairing the Total Reference with a 2A3 based amp would be optimal.I have had Super Eclipses IIs for 4 years or ... 
Where can I find/buy blu-tak
Those stores don't sell the genuine made in Australia product. Some folk just want the real thing and will accept no substitutes.Regards, 
Best amps for rock and heavy metal
If we are talking power and value for money, the Parasound JC-1s were measured by Stereophile as clipping at 545 watts. You'd be very hard pressed to beat this figure in a high quality amplifier.Regards, 
Any UFC fans out there?
The last straw was when I was watching it and my wife was around and said anyone who watches that must be a manic. For some reason that just stuck with me and I don't want the mother of my children looking at me that way.Very nicely stated. Thanks... 
Is iPod Digital Output Possible? writes:The iPod uses a cruddy, standard Wolffson Microelectronics low-power DAC; The iPod has always used a Wolfson Microelectronics DAC. The first and second generation iPods - WM8721; third generation - WM8731L. Fourth gen... 
Best Acoustic Guitar Players Of All Time?
20. Tony Rice.I'm glad he was there as I was listening to one of his albums at the time.Regards, 
If you had to pay full retail, would you...???
12-28-06: Jmcgrogan2.... Note: Sarcasm AlertGee - you weren't kidding. Hope you slept well.Regards, 
FLAC vs. MP3 for Sonos Network
I believe you can load software on your iPod called Rockbox that will decode FLAC. I have not changed my iPod over, so I can't speak from experience. You have to be pretty geeky to take this path, so I dare say, it's not for you.When you put a CD ... 
Best Acoustic Guitar Players Of All Time?
Pawlowski6132,Was my post too cryptic? I was responding to Mattybumpkin with surprise that he had not heard of Segovia. Hence the question mark.Regards, 
Best Acoustic Guitar Players Of All Time?
Segovia? Never heard the name? Wow.Regards, 
Can any player challenge Audio Aero Prestige SE ?
Audiooracle is Dave Lalin of, a new company out of Jersey City, New Jersey. According to his nothing web site (it's been under construction for 8 months), he is a dealer for ADA, Algolith, Anthem, ATM, Audience Power Conditioners, ... 
Can any player challenge Audio Aero Prestige SE ?
Mkilpi,Of course you are. I'm a careful reader.Regards, 
Wadia 861se with GNS vs Esoteric or Emm players
Tadman, thanks for the reply. Your list was interesting, and does provide perspective. Cheers to Copenhagen - one of my favourite cities.I have heard others claim that SACD is flawed, and I don't just mean technically. The fellow who modified my S... 
Isolation device under Ayre CX-7e?
Slight topic drift ... Statman, did you get both BrightStar components at the same time? I'm wondering if you could say what effect the Little Rock has. I have a Air Mass 3 Reference (different player) and have often wondered about the Little Rock... 
Can any player challenge Audio Aero Prestige SE ?
Tvad writes:When it comes to listening notes...even comparing the Audio Aero players side-by-side to EMM Labs gear, there are no facts, only opinions. Indeed. In the first post, Mkilpi says:Let me know your opinions.Now Mkilpi's asking: So the maj...