
Responses from metralla

Recommendations for Tube Amp Repair Tech in US?
It would help if you told us where you live. Nick Cowan at True Sound, Campbell if you are in the Bay Area.Regards, 
Where do I go from here?
Jprinz writes:due to this forum I spent $200 on gold cd's on amazon last nightDon't just arbitrarily assume those gold CDs are better than the original (not remastered) CD release. If you want to know, try searching at 
do burnt CD copys sound as good as originals?
01-08-07: Jsouth72use EAC(exact audio copy)See posts by:01-02-07: Jsadurni01-04-07: Dpac99601-07-07: GratefulRegards, 
Eric Bibb fans?
The opus SACDs I have are excellent. Eric Bibb and Needed Time - "Spirit and the Blues" and Eric Bibb - "Just Like Love"Also, there is a great Telarc SACD Eric Bibb, Rory Block and Maria Muldaur called "Sisters And Brothers". Regards, 
How many us a Line Conditioner with a Big SS Amp
Are "Big Amps" bigger than "big amps" but smaller than "BIG AMPS"? ;-)Regards, 
Have any of you done this
If I'm connecting from home, I'm almost always listening while I'm on any audio forum. Away from home, a different story.Regards, 
Is a Koetsu Rosewood Sig Overkill for my JMW 9Sig?
I agree with Audiofeil. If you are thinking of an upgrade, I'd consider putting a top class arm (Graham Phantom, Tri Planar) on your ScoutMaster and keeping the Airy. You have some very nice components and I would be looking at the tonearm, if it ... 
A viable portable system?
You could order the headphone cord for the 650s from Sennheiser and substitute it for the existing cord. This is not an expensive change, compared to other after-market Sennheiser cords (e.g. Cardas), but from all reports, is a nice improvement. I... 
McIntosh C1000 tube pre vs. ARC Ref 3?
The McIntosh is the clear winner here by a country mileBased on everything but a personal side-by-side audition, I know which one I would choose. It would only be as a result of an in-home comparison, with the McIntosh showing a clear advantage ov... 
Top ten tube amps
01-05-07: Pubul57... That does not mean that some well-healed audiophile won't buy it.We are all pretty sick.(Sorry. I know it's just a typo, but I can't resist.)Regards, 
External hard drive for expanding iTunes library?
01-05-07: MondonitroEdsilva my post on The g drive is in regards to reliability not speed. Some drives after awhile can develope problems with recognition and corrupting data. I perfer the best drives for archiving and that seems to be the G drive... 
'nother Nano question
12-23-06: Audphile1iTunes software sucks. It is one of the most user unfriendly POS programs out there. I think I mastered Adobe Photoshop quicker than the iTunes.I've been designing GUIs for computers for more than 20 years and would like to know... 
Question for EMM CDSA SE owners
It does not include a preamp or volume control - you would have to use it with a pre-amp or an attenuator.Regards, 
Most Quiet TUBE Preamp. Linestage. $ 12K or less
My comments above are only to exxagerate the differences enough to give some idea of what I thought I heard, but I wouldn't want someone to think that BAT is lean or ARC warm. That would be misleading for sure.Well said. Regards, 
Best amps for rock and heavy metal
Bomberman writes:About my speakers; I choose Electra 1027BE 'cos I love model, sound and it suitable for placed in my small room (without any room acoustic problem). How small? Do you have a SPL meter (like a cheap RadioShack model) to get an idea...