
Responses from mesch

Use of footers on maple platforms
Thanks Levy, I have not tried cones and may just leave things as is. As Mapman stated, 'bigger fish". 
Which USB to S/PDIF converter with Metrum Octave?
How about the audiophelio2 with a Bryston BDA-1 or BDA-2? 
It was 20 years ago today. . What was your system?
Sonograph turntable, Blue Oyster, B&K Pro 10, B&K St-140, Vandersteen IIs, Monster Reference ICs & speaker cables. 
Upgrade from AQ King Cobra to Columbia DBS
Want to thank Bo and Zd as I bought my first pair of Columbia. Looking for another. 
Considering Bryston BDA-1 for non-USB use
Dhl, thanks for the response. I purchased a BDA-1 and very much like it. I also appreciate equipment designed with a competent power supply and analog output stage (within budget) hence my interest in the BDA-1. Though the BDA-2 has a different DA... 
Use of footers on maple platforms
Thanks Geoffkait for your response. I currently do not own any cones. I only have the sorbothane vibrapads. Thought the pads where designed more to isolate vibration than to dissipate, not sure that I am right on that. I plan on getting a set of c... 
Use of footers on maple platforms
Elizabeth, no problem, I am not really that thin skinned. Hopping you are having a better day. Mapman, you are correct and I intend to do so. Just placed the maple shelves prior to posting. EMB, Thanks. A friend made the maple shelves for me. Not ... 
Who Can I send my dynakit ST-70 to for a rebuild?
Andy, great thread. Don't intend to hijack, however feel another thread on this would just confuse.Stuart, What was the cost of your project? I have a ST-70 that has been stored since the 60s. In great shape but needs new capacitors etc due to age... 
Will I hear differences between 8TC and 12TC?
I have had the 8tc. Currently have the 12tc. I changed because I needed longer length cable, 15', to reconfigure my system otherwise I would have put my audio $$$ elsewhere. At shorter lengths, the cost differential between the 8 and 12 tc would p... 
DAC Recommendation around 2.5K
I have the DL3 unmoded, just purchased a Bryston BDA-1. I like the sound of the DL, the Bryston is an improvement. THE BDA-1 doe not have the USB capability that you are looking for, however the newer BDA-2 does, I believe. I prefer to use a separ... 
Prima Luna or sonic frontiers or audible illusions
I had a 3a and a Jolida Fusion. Rotated them in my system for a couple months. I sold the 3a. This was primarily due to not using the phono stage and thought it a waste to run the phono tubes. It sounded great however. The Jolida is a fine pre for... 
USB/SPDIF converter and DAC combinations
Bhobba, Have you experience with the Offramp 3? Thanks 
First Foray into Internet Radio
I believe that internet radio stream MP3 quality files. AM I right on this? Either way I agree with RW. You have a great DAC, use it. 
Starter System Suggestions
I would buy a integrated w/o DAC and a separate DAC. DACs become outdated particularily the USB input.  
new preamp under $750 with remote, solid state...
If you want SS new then I would second the Halo 3 opinion.