
Responses from mesch

Best sounding turntable and cartridge for $1100
Sunny, It just might be that the BP NO.2 might also sound too bright to you though tamed over the original Blue Point which I also owned several years ago. I had the original while owning B&K ST-140 amp and Pro 10 pre feeding a early pair of V... 
Wharfdale's Denton Anniverary spker Any 3 way speaker of similar sound quality?? .
Sunny, congrats on the new pre. 
What SS preamp compares to a tube preamp
If thinking hybrid, Vincent Audio makes a Pre within budget.  
Best sounding turntable and cartridge for $1100
Sunny, I own a Blue Point No. 2 cartridge which has no more than 30 hrs on it. I went to the dark side and now source primarily digital. I am going to put this cartridge up for sale here on AG. I will inspect it under my dissecting scope to insure... 
Spin Clean seems to add noise to records?
Great thread! I also have had this problem with Spin clean. Will try the various options mentioned to solve and get back. Thanks to all. 
Used tube or hybrid pre-amp around $500
Vincent audio 31. Hybrid design, no phonostage, New ~$700, come up used on occasion here on AG (~$400).  
2.0 Stereo speakers on a $2000 budget?
mb1, Yes, at his/her budget the 2C signatures are out of range. I was thinking they were within 10% of budget ($2200). Buying used would be within budget. I have heard earlier versions of both the 1C and 2C and felt that the 2C would better pressu... 
2.0 Stereo speakers on a $2000 budget?
My thinking, given that you own the NAD 356 integrated and CD player and want to keep them. There are many choices that would mate well with this amp and represent a major upgrade from your aforementioned speakers. I totally agree regarding the Kl... 
Recommendations for used/vintage integrated for vinyl
I agree with paraneer. With your budget purchase a used integrated that is less than 10 years old. Many come up for sale on AG. Used phonostages also.  
Monitor Audio
So how does the sound of your Brio/Bronze system sound to you?  
Why warm amps sound better.
I turn my primary system on about 1 hour prior to a listening session. All electronic parts need to reach thermal equilibrium to operate at proper spec. I believe this to be true even for speaker cones.    
step inside Klipsch fans and fanatics
Joe, I have not yet made comparison of the Klipsch to the B&W indoors. I have listened to them after breakin outdoors and find them to have a bit of an edge in the upper mids and treble. I do believe your Yaqin amp to be capable of driving the... 
NAD C 316BEE vs. NAD D 3020
Based on your other thread you are using an analog front end (TT & phonostage) therefore I think the 316BEE to be a better fit.  
NAD C 316BEE vs. NAD D 3020
These two NAD amps are quite different. The D3020 is a class D amp and includes a DAC. The C316BEE is class A/B and is a line level integrated only (no DAC) however has more analog inputs. Choice would depend on ones needs. Several reviews are ava... 
Phono Stage for Marantz 5009?
+1 paraneer. In addition, both cartridge and speaker, as transducers,  have much to do with the character of the sound one hears from their system. Are the new speakers less bright, maybe provide more warmth, than the prior ones?