
Responses from mesch

Question about the tube in the Vincent PHO-700
Basically it seems that the tube serves as a buffer stage.  
CD/DVD player advice
I would purchase a new CD player in the $500-$700 range. Later, should you choose to integrate video into your system you could then purchase a BD player.  I would look into Marantz.  
Impedance Question?
Not all preamps that have equal output impedance specs, say 600 ohms, have the same impedance across the frequency band, and often much higher at the lower (bass) frequencies. The result would be a loss of mid/low bass with those having this condi... 
Spend more money on the amp or the pre-amp?
Yes, thanks for the update. Too often we never hear back. You did well. 
Looking to completely overhaul my preamp section, knowledgeable people needed!
Given that you are intending the purchase of a Odyssey Stratos amplifier, I would focus my search toward those preamps that would serve that amp well sonically (to your taste) and match well electronically. What is the input impedance of the Strat... 
Looking to completely overhaul my preamp section, knowledgeable people needed!
If it were me I would replace the separates with separates. Could be done in stages and allows greater flexibility. Possibly get a preamp with phonostage. I currently run a tube pre into a SS amp.  
Paradigm speakers
Yes, memosaroshm, nice comparison.  
Is it the beer or do speakers/electronics really need some extended warm-up period?
A component that has been left off for an extended period is at a thermal steady state equal to room temperature.The same component, after an extended period of operation at a certain volume level will be at a higher thermal steady state (oscillat... 
Is it the beer or do speakers/electronics really need some extended warm-up period?
Isn't it reasonable to find that components operate best once they have achieved thermal equilibrium. I have experienced that all my systems sound better after 1/2 - 1 hour of operation.   
What's the weak link in my system?
As others have said, focus on speaker placement, listening position, and possibly placing equipment stand to one side of listening position as opposed to between speakers. Treat the room using acoustic panels behind speakers, at primary reflection... 
Newb to DAC question. Benefit of a DAC for only CD listening
What is the rest of your system? I believe that unless your CD player is a weal link in your system, using it as a transport into a budget DAC may not provide any sonic improvement. That is not to say that the sonics may not be changed, but that c... 
System Upgrade Recommendations
If you are only going to keep an amp for 3-5 years, buy used.  
Bowers and Wilkins CM1
I would think the CM1s would play well into rooms of that size. Probably work better in room 1. Room 2 will prove to be a very bright sounding room. The KEF Qs may work better there, as I believe they have a more laid back signature.  
Bowers and Wilkins CM1
Regarding the price, I believe it to be a good deal considering they come with stands. The CM1s are a small speaker with limited bass extension. A good candidate for a subwoofer. Do you know the room where this system is going to be placed? The is... 
System Upgrade Recommendations
+1 Odyssey as a good option for an amp in your budget.