
Responses from melm

Classical Music for Aficionados
About Ashokan Farewell: Ashokan is a reservoir in upstate New York, not a lake. The "Ashokan" in Ashokan Farewell refers not to a body of water but to a nearby camp. Its composition had nothing to do with the Civil War. It is not classical mus... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@gracky @jc4659 I use windows and JRiver and am neither an expert on Macs nor Audirvana, and if this doesn’t help I’ll inquire at the thread at head-fi where there are users of both. Or you can. First I would suggest to @gracky that he set the... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@gracky  Any further impressions?  
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@arafiq Hi there. I hope it doesn’t look like the Musetec owners are piling on.😉 The Musetec uses what is sometimes call a Delta-Sigma chip, the ESS9038PRO, in fact two of them. Such a chip converts all incoming data to a DSD like format making... 
Review: Holo May (L2) DAC and the Musetec Audio (LKS Audio) MH-DA005 DAC Compaired
@alexopth1512 When something measures "well" and sounds bad, it doesn’t "really" measure well, it’s just that the wrong thing is being measured. The audio literature is full of measurements that do not translate into sound quality. It’s been goi... 
Tube preamp: Cary SLP-03 vs Schiit Freya+
The Freya+ is a terrific preamp especially with NOS tubes.  I used chrome domes.  However, it does NOT have a balance control.  I found I could not live without that.  For listening to many classical recordings a very small change can sometimes ma... 
Review: Holo May (L2) DAC and the Musetec Audio (LKS Audio) MH-DA005 DAC Compaired
@lordmelton  Did you order one?  Have you heard anything about delivery yet?  
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@jc4659 In my "Buying Direct from China" thread (before it was commandeered by the Audiogon Politicos*) I commented on the high ethical standard I have always found when buying from China or Japan. If you ever need support from the factory, base... 
Great Classical Recordings
@petar3 Saying that you are interested in Operatic and symphonic recordings and then offering up Muddy Waters Folk Singer as an ideal gives no indication at all as to what you really want in a classical recording. Recording a symphony or opera i... 
What are the best settings for Oppo 105-D as a stereo player.
Replacement dongles are available relatively inexpensively. However the specifications are specific. I suggest an email to Oppo support will get you the necessary information. Also, you must adjust the settings so that the Oppo plays the SACD lay... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@arafiq  No.  However, it's been compared to the Holo May in great detail on this board,  It's also been compared to the Mola Mola Tambaqui at head-fi.  
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@wharfy  "One more update--played my better half her CD copy of The Nutcracker. She remarked that she heard instruments she did not know were there." How reminiscent of the golden analog days.  We used to purchase a new cartridge, perhaps our fi... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@jc4659 For wharfy it was 12 days from ordering until delivery. That doesn’t mean it will be the same for you, but it looks good. Shenzhen seems often to give a longer expected delivery date so as not to be bothered with Where’s my stuff? email... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@jc4659 It is right here before my eyes Just write to Young at and tell him what you want.  It should not b... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@jc4659 I just received an email reply from Young at Shenzhen: "The Musetec DAC might take 3-5 days before shipping. We could help to match the Black Friday sale price for you" There you go . . . and the price is right! I suggest an email to ...