
Responses from melm

AKM makes the best DACs
Notwithstanding the evident quality of the SW1X DAC (and it is a $13,000 DAC after all) the last place I would look for objective technical info is in on the PR pages of a manufacturer.  No one does that better, probably, than Chord's Rob Watts wh... 
AKM makes the best DACs
And now for a controversial comment.😅 I think FPGA is basically a marketing tool used to differentiate some DACS from the rest of the field. I find it almost impossible to believe that it can be feasible for an ordinary audio electronics company t... 
Review: Holo May (L2) DAC and the Musetec Audio (LKS Audio) MH-DA005 DAC Compaired
The recent establishment of a US dealer/distributer for the Musetec adds an additional dimension to the comparison.  
Digital Audio Output Differences? Is USB Audio Really The Top-notch?
One feature that distinguishes the better USB implementations in a DAC is that the 5V power is supplied internally by the DAC and not by the power line in the USB cable. Among other things it makes the selection of a USB cable easier, and allows i... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
There was a short article about Midwest Audio in Stereophile. The article located it in South Bend IN, of which Mishawaka is a suburb. Finally a US dealer; that’s news    
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@blang Thanks for the info about the US dealer and congrats on your purchase. As for break-in, I responded to someone else: In his first post after receiving the Musetec, @pt999 compared it to his fully broken in May Holo KTE DAC. After one we... 
AKM makes the best DACs
@milpai  You might want to ask sns about the Okto DAC8.  He has one and thinks very highly of it.  
AKM makes the best DACs
@milpai  For some reason you are discussing posts appearing on another thread.  I don't know why you are doing it here rather than there: "But when there was a communication issue on the manufacturer side that some one reported, you guys pounced ... 
AKM makes the best DACs
@alexatpos When you say, "if you are trying to compare architecture of dacs (R2R, Sigma-delta or Fpga) and bring some conclusions out of it, yet alone trying to conclude something on bases which model of chip is in some dac." you seem to miss th... 
AKM makes the best DACs
@yoyoyaya  Specifically, which Esoteric model do you have in mind?  
AKM makes the best DACs
@milpai  It is true that some of us are giving exposure to a very small and not very well known designer/producer who has provided amazing results at a good price.  By now, though, it is the newer users, including former sceptics, who are providi... 
AKM makes the best DACs
The problem with ESS is that for some reason it is the brand of DAC chip that's been latched on to by any DAC maker who can afford the $95 or so for the best of their chips.  Also, they make lesser lines of chips, some others of which carry the 90... 
AKM makes the best DACs
@teo_audio  So much gibberish.  Also, there's no apostrophe in "its."  
CD transports
You might get better focus in the responses if you named your DAC.   Nevertheless I'll give the answer you don't want to hear.  Rather than tie yourself to an outdated technology, perhaps it's time to rip your CD collection and stream your music ... 
AKM makes the best DACs
Our OP first says, "It is a terrible idea to judge a DAC based on the chip. I don’t think consumers should ever do that." And then he goes on to do exactly that. He likes, "the sound of DACs with AKM chips over most others." He hasn’t heard most o...