
Responses from meiwan

A great amp for some monitor audios
You might also consider the Exposure 3010s2. 
NAD t747 8ohms minimum- Speakers I want, 6ohms
I have the NAD T747 driving 8ohm mains - 4 ohm centre and 4 ohm rears - no problems. If you run the Dali's in 2 channel you will be fine. The only issue might be in 5 channel with the Dali's running full range - even then at decent volumes you won... 
Integrated amp for Dynaudio Audience 62
You have a fair sized room and will need a bit of power. Maybe something like a Creek Destiny or Creek 5350. Exposure 2010s is also nice and cheaper. 
Sell towers for bookshelves?
Not sure there is any advantage in selling towers to get bookshelves - they tend to take up the same floorspace plus you need stands. Unless you think you will have too much bottom end with the towers in a smaller space?There are lots of choices t... 
finding the right speakers for my room + budget
I'll second the Spendors. Might also consider S5e floor standers, which can be had well within your budget. 
Front port vs Rear port
Yes, front porting gives you more flexibility in placement. Although some rear ported speakers can work OK close to a wall (ie, Linn Katan). If you are thinking of a stand mounted monitor that doesn't try to go too deep, rear porting is less of an... 
Best $3,000 speaker/amp combo?
I'm enjoying a Sudgen Mystro integrated driving Spendor S5e's. Used would be within your budget. There are tons of other choices - integrated amps from Creek, Anthem, Exposure are good ones. Speaker choices are almost infinite. 
When have A/B comparisons led you astray?
It's almost impossible to AB anything without bias, for a variety of reasons...1. When presented with 2 options, the second is almost always preferred because we naturally tend to evaluate the second relative to the first (but not the other way ar... 
What can I do to upgrade my system? Thanks
Not sure what you have for cables, but speaker wire (Kimber 8tc for example) and a good power cord on the Denon will make a big difference. 
Receiver or Preamp
Why can't you use the bass management in the source (ie., Blue Ray player)? Then any pre-with 5.1 inputs will do. Or just upgrade to the newer stuff and go via HDMI for audio. The better NAD stuff sounds great. 
What to upgrade or just leave it alone ?
Leave the audio alone. Seems quite well matched for TV and movies (and the radio). Might want to upgrade the TV to LED 1080p. The Sony isn't bad, but some of the newer stuff is amazing (and TV prices are great right now). 
What amp to improve upon a Sugden?
For more power and a similar sound, have a look at creek destiny or 5350. The Sudgen is great, but the heat.... A used LFD would also do the trick. 
More powerful amp for top or bottom?
I'd be careful passively bi-amping with that much of a difference in output power. Bi-amping is a fussy business, usually best to stick with matching amps to ensure impedences etc. are closely matched. Presumably the 2 amps are from different manu... 
how to maximize 2 channel theater sound??
Any decent blue ray or dvd player has 2 channel out and internal settings to downmix to pcm output. A processor would not add anything except more cables and duplicated down mixing facilities, which unless you spent a lot wouldn't likely be any be... 
What speaker for being close to rear wall?
Any speaker which is non-ported or front ported will work well closer to a back wall. I've had success with Linn Katan, Linn Majik 109 and currently Spendor S5e floorstanders, which use a transmission line design and port out the bottom. Aerial 5'...