

Responses from mcslipp

Capital Audio Fest 2018--show report
Overall takeaway was I preferred what I heard last year over this year even with plenty of overlap of same/similar systems. Maybe I'm just that much more deaf... Vu's Vintage room is always a favorite but last year's custom WE/GIP speakers were su... 
Capital Audio Fest 2018--show report
Headed there now with JOND. Looking forward to old fav'd and new. 
Which band IS really America's Greatest (rock & roll band)?
I've seen some very good answers that I won't repeat, however...James Brown and either the Fabulous Flames or JB's were arguably the nastiest tightest band ever. Bruce Springsteen and E St Band have the staying power...Van Halen (not that Van-Haga... 
Any Famous people on Audiogon ?
I'm famous to 10's of ppl, and infamous to 100's 
Your last concert was to see who and when?
Van Morrison - Last week. It was fun but strange as hell. Van came out spoke no words between songs, grinded out 15 songs back-to-back-to-back. Walked off stage halfway through the last song (G-L-O-R-I-A), lights went up and that was that. He stil... 
Popular DAC that is known for its warm-ish sound?
Audio for the Young - Noho Sound
I fully support the movement of getting the next generation into hifi, after all they're the one's driving the return to vinyl. I remember 30 yrs ago when I tagged along with my dad to the local Hifi shop in South Portland, Maine. I was 12 and in ... 
Can anyone suggest a decent subwoofer cable that is about 35 feet long.
I've been quite happy with my Kimber Kable Cadence, which is subwoofer specific (whatever that means). If your system is truly balanced go xlr and I wouldn't sweat the brand. 
Racks - what’s awesome without impacting my kids college plans?
It was mentioned above but I've been very pleased with my Timbernation rack. It was custom made to my specs and was approx $2k-ish. Anytime I sell something here I'm always asked about the rack in the photo. 
Recommendation Amplifier to match with Shindo Aurieges for Devore Fidelity Nines
The Shindo magic comes from a system approach. By using a different amp you lose out on some of the flavor it has to offer, that's not to say there haven't been some nice amps already recommended. My 2 cents -  coming from a guy who has a Montrach... 
How old are your speakers
Jond - "Guesstimating here but I traded a pair of Alon Lotus's for my current JMlabs Micro-Utopias back in 2006. The speakers were definitely used at that point, if I had to guess 3-5 years old so built somewhere between 2001-2003. I love them and... 
First Watt vs McIntosh vs Ampzilla
Any of the three would be nice. That said, the 3 times I've seen Sean demo Zu's it's always been with Pass gear. That would be a strong endorsement for the First Watt. 
Why are so many people trying to sell Harbeths?
Mapman - you are correct that was Vu's "budget" room and I (and JOND) both left quite impressed with the new version of the 30.2's. They were the speaker to beat at tat price point. That said, they or anything else I heard at CAP-fest couldn't com... 
Did you know....?
Mo Tucker of Velvet Underground Fame went on to be.... a greeter at Walmart. Ouch. 
Best Audio Writing of 2017?
There aren't any that I dislike. Herb is a great writer but I don't necessarily trust his opinion as he never has a bad thing to say about anything. In writing and also gear I identify most with Art Dudley. He played a small part in making me the ...