Drink of choice for serious listening?

This is a frivolous topic but probably won't end up any worse than a lot of more technical threads around here. But right now I'm settling down to listen to music for a few hours. I've got a glass of Four Roses Single Barrel Bourbon on two cubes of ice which is a pretty good substitute for when you can't get your hands on a bottle of Blanton's.

I also like Aberlour A'bunadh single malt Scotch. No ice. Usually neat but maybe a few drops of water.

So when you sit down for serious listening do you like to have drink? If so, what? Doesn't have to be alcohol of course.
Smokin weed smokin whizz doin coke drinkin beers drinkin beers beers beers. Rollin fatties, smokin blunts. Whos smokes blunts? We smoke blunts. Rollin blunts and smokin...
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say I'm probably the only Master Sommelier on here. As such I normally have something in my hand but not always wine. Gin in the summer, Bourbon in the winter and Tequila always. but if wcfeil is pouring '90 Angleus I'm gonna hang with him...

jbmac75, that’s pretty low end even in the 7 Eleven beer world, but there’s nothing wrong with that. Drink what you like. Its all alcohol. But sometimes I love an ice cold Bud....not Lite....on a summer day.

@stevecham Nothing wrong with abstinence either. EtOH is a dangerous drug. I like to drink but try to be always aware of where the boundaries should be and hope I recognize if I ever cross them. It can become a fool’s game.

@akg_ca How is the 37 year old Scotch? I’ve had some 17s and a 20 and they did not impress me beyond their 12 year old cousins. They say that most good Scotches are 12s for a reason: that’s the optimum age. I’ve always been suspicious that anything beyond that is marketing or opportunism. Not that I’d turn down a glass of 37 if it was offered to me; Scottish blood will never turn down a freebie.

@thepigdog I like a good IPA. But it seems like most IPAs and not good IPAs. All hops and nothing else. Taste like Pine Sol. Love a good, thick coffee/chocolatey/roasty stout on a winter’s day.
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