
Responses from maxgain

Which tubes? My amp can except El34, 6L6, KT88, an
Creeper and Kana, I have no problem with what you say about the sound of the 6L6, but you need to know how the powered woofers work in the Vandy 5's. The woofer amps take a speaker level signal from the main amp. They are designed this way to blen... 
Which tubes? My amp can except El34, 6L6, KT88, an
Sort of like asking which flavor of ice cream you should choose? They are all good but different. I am a fan of 6550's and EL34's out of the four you mentioned. I would think that you won't get the power from the EL's that you will from the 6550's... 
Albertporter only needs 50
Day seven.A week has passed. Todays update is late due to a fun plumbing chore. Today is better than yesterday, not as bright. Overall quite pleasant. The bass is slowly coming back. What will tomorrow bring? 
Riddle me this...
Trelja, I will try to be more "accurate" in my descriptions, but language is a plyable sort of thing sometimes. It looks to me that we agree much more than we disagree. For one thing we are both in the tube camp. I want amps to have the least soun... 
Albertporter only needs 50
Ok, tonight it sounds different again? great in the mids, woffy, poofy, wooly bass, and smoother highs than this afternoon? This is a real thrill ride like a roller coaster of up and down. Perhaps some of it is that the new outlets let me hear the... 
Audio Research CD2 randomly skips
Since I last posted on this topic I have bought two CD's which have both been new, recent releases. The first one would not start the disc right away and then would skip a few times during the first track. I took it back and tried another copy whi... 
Albertporter only needs 50
I let it run a few hours while I was gone with the CD on repeat. As the bass comes back, seems so is a bit more of the harshness. I hope this is a short phase that may be gone even tomorrow. 
Albertporter only needs 50
Day six.120 hours of burn in.Happy to report that my friend, the low bass is returning nicely now and things are smoothing out in the mid bass as well. The good things I mentioned before are becoming even more pronounced. Sounds sort of super char... 
Riddle me this...
Trelja, I don't understand the second paragraph of your second post at all? If you want romance read a cheap novel. If you want to reproduce a musical event in the most accurate way it seems obvious that as tube and SS designs improve(become more ... 
The Ferrari 288 GTO of ARC Tube Amps
All of a sudden there are two D-160's on E-bay. Tympani's can be bi-amped can't they? Just a thought? 
The Ferrari 288 GTO of ARC Tube Amps
That D160 you mentioned on E-bay, so far appears to be going for a bargin bin, yard sale price at $1500! I would think that at anywhere under $2500 you would never have a problem getting you money back out of it if it weren't the sound you were af... 
Riddle me this...
Sean makes a good point, but it seems to me that high speaker efficiency, trumps big watt amps. Just from a mathamatical standpoint. I may have missed it in the thread but has everyone forgotten the recent popularity of tiny, flea size output, SET... 
Albertporter only needs 50
Day Five.96 hours of burn in.Now we are getting somewhere! The system seems to be able to negotiate complex passages better than ever. Everything is more focused than before and can sort things out that blured together with the old outlets. Extens... 
Albertporter only needs 50
Day Four.72 hours of burn in with the fans and or equiptment running.(I used a calculator this time!) Good news, the bass is coming back, not fully yet but getting better all the time! What else is happening is a 3-D sound that, hell may be 4-D! T... 
Albertporter only needs 50
Doh! Day three is 48 hours of burn in, not 36. Unless one of those days way only 12 hours for some strange reason. I know that the days are short up here in the frozen north, but this is one of my right brainer math screw-ups. Let's see 2+2=? Anyo...