
Responses from maxgain

Ever Have One Of Those Evenings?
Zaikesman, sorry to hear that you have more problems than just crappy outlets! Seriously, I hope you get it straightened out quickly. Let me know when you are back up and running and when I can start pestering you again. I love the "plastic-haired... 
Speaker Polish?
You might go to a music shop and get some guitar polish amde by Martin or some other maker for acoustic guitars. Works for me and does not have any bad side effects. 
A question about cable break-in
Bomarc could not hear the difference since his hearing aids have not fully burned in yet! 
Cryo'd outlet in power conditioner?
I have done some research and talked to people much smarter than my self(my brother, for one, he is the guy that designed the integrated circuit chips for Motorola that made, you may have heard of it,the cell phone, possible). Cryo in my understan... 
Cryo'd outlet in power conditioner?
Zaikesman, I respect your thoughful and reserved approach. I am one who does not try to reinvent the wheel every year or even more often as some audiophiles do who belong to the cable or amp of the month. As far as reviewers go I like to read Monc... 
A question about cable break-in
I missed the part about burning in new speaker cables. The method I stated will burn in the IC's and put some time on your pre amp. Listening to burn in can be an iteresting experience and Twl may be right, it probably can't do any permanent damag... 
A question about cable break-in
Lak is right leave it all connected and turn the power amp off. Put a CD on repeat and turn the pre amp up to about 1 O'clock and let 'er go. Marakanetz does not beleive in burn in. That's fine. I do. Make up your own mind. No better way than this... 
Where does your user name come from?
Ok I keep wondering about Swampwalker. I guess the reaon is that I used to be a swamp walker of sorts. I used to be a transmission line walker for the power company(before my knee joints went to hell a year or so ago). I am from Michigan. We have ... 
Vandersteen 5 vs Model 2c/2wq Combo
By all means I think that most people give up on their speakers before they know what they are capable of. Hell, I don't think "Dick" himself knows what a 2Ce/2Wq combo can sound like, as well as I do. They get better every time I tweek what's in ... 
Cryo'd outlet in power conditioner?
Go for it Swampwalker! I stake any reputation I have as a listener on it! Zaikesman, RUN, DON'T WALK, to get yourself some of these! I do think you should get one that has been cooked first. I can send you a link if you want! You don't need an A/B... 
Albertporter only needs 50
Day fourteen.This is the final daily episode and I bid you adieu as your humble narrator.The sound today is much like yesterday, which is to say VERY good. The bass is filling out even more. The soundstage is see through to the darkest corners of ... 
Cryo'd outlet in power conditioner?
Sounds like the plan to me Swampwalker! You will be bowled over! My final daily update is forthcoming. I think Bevis would say, "Cryo,". 
Cryo'd outlet in power conditioner?
Zaikesman, I have been wondering the same thing myself. If you want you can go to the thread, "Albert porter only needs 50" and read my painful but rewarding epic on this matter. Tere isn't many others who are commenting yet. Perhaps they haven't ... 
Anybody have their original Stealth Cryoed?
Cryo is cool! 
Transitioning: back to solid state....
Ok, Viggen, in nearly 30 years of fooling with this I have had ten different power amps. I am not one of those who changes amps like underwear. I had the amps I was using a year ago for 15 years!