
Responses from martykl

best recordings for a sense of scale
Many of the Duke Ellington recordings on Pablo might be a good choice, as will his "Far East Suite", which features a larger ensemble than does most of the Pablo material. The Sinatra "Live At The Sands" with Count Basie is similar in "scale" to F... 
Room Assistance Sub woofer
I use Rythmiks. Nice cabinet, excellent performance, resonable size, reasonable price. I would always recommend digital room correction (I use the Velodyne SMS-1 for this) if you're adding a subwoofer. The improvement from DRC is pretty striking.M... 
Teresonic Integrum Speakers
IIRC, one of the Teresonic models got my attention by acheiving the rarest of feats: It actually got a negative review in of the mainstream mags. Coupled with the service/support questions you've identified, this particular intelligence gathering ... 
Why not horns?
Atma,I understand why you reject the pejorative comment re: horns and imaging, but I will take issue with your specific rebuttal. Planars and omnis (properly set up) image differently than horns (or any other monpoles). Some may prefer that presen... 
Best Rock Album in 2010
Off 1 day's listen, I'd say Tom Petty's Mojo. I also really like the recent Peter Wolf CD. Not much else has really moved me, so far.Marty 
New Tom Petty
Just got my copy. Agree with virtually everything posted here, a great record. I'm told that they'll be at Hollywood Bowl (with ZZ Top opening up) in the fall and I'm lining up seats right now. Mike Campbell and Billy G., the expectation bar is hi... 
What songs do you never get tired of?
Since the operative phrase is "never tire", I'll stick to songs that are at least 10 years old. This would be a very long list, so -pop and rock only - 1 per decade:'50's:Johnny B. Goode-Chuck Berry (still the perfect song, in my book)'60's:Hello,... 
Music Servers vs. High-End CD & DAC--Help Please
I own a Cary 303 and a QSonix server. Running the digital signal out of the Cary into either my Canbridge dacMagic or my Benchmark allows direct comparison to my QSonix run thru the same DAC. Someone out there might hear a difference, but I certai... 
Has anyone auditioned the BeoLab 5 speakers?
I heard them at the B&O showroom in Beverly Hills on 3 separate occasions during spring and summer of 2008. Truly terrible every time with audible break-up at modest SPLs. I'm pretty sure that one of these speakers was defective, but 3 auditio... 
New speakers from Martin Logan, Ethos $6495
Sorry about the tyop 
New speakers from Martin Logan, Ethos $6495
I certainly don't want my woofer to act in "unnatutal ways". That's a job for my tweeter. ;-)Marty 
Buy tubes from Audio Research or not
One more data point(FWIW):I've re-tubed my VT130SE with ARC tubes and my Prima Luna 7 monos with KT88s, Kt66s, and EL34s from Upscale. Zero issues across the board. IME, both are excellent sources for re-tubing.Marty 
Why I like my home system better than live music
There's another dimension, here, especially for pop music.Some of it is essentially impossible to recreate outside of the studio. I recall reading somewhere that this was one of the (many) factors that dissuaded The Beatles from performing their l... 
Bel Canto S300 driving Gallo 3.1s
Uk,My original point was that the volume (or decreasing attenuation) control on the BC amp seems to be a fair bit more "back ended" than other amps I've encountered. I end up with high 80s when listening at normal volume levels - but I don't hear ... 
Strings Dilemma
Mara,If you're bending, 12s can be a challenge. For traditional jazz playing with little to no bending, that's usually not much of an issue, but for blues/blues rock....Good luck with it.Marty