
Responses from marqmike

Who wants the best improvement in their system EVER!
Hopefully you can tell by the name he is a dealer. That’s if it is who I am thinking about. A very respected dealer. I haven’t talked to him in a least three years and not much before that. I dealt with him mostly 20 yrs ago. But he gets results, ... 
Who wants the best improvement in their system EVER!
I do 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
geoffkait9,046 posts04-19-2018 4:36pmYou might contact georgehifi down under via PM and see if he’ll go in with you. He seems pretty open minded. 😀 This will keep me going for a week I think. Nice one geoffkait. 
Thiel Owners
Thanks tomthiel for the update. I am anxiously waiting to hear what you come up with.Thanks prof.  Cool to hear. For me tonal balance and realistic timbre with in a realistic soundstage makes the music mesmerizing to listen to and seems to communi... 
Should I eliminate my preamp?
That is real possible. Thanks 
Should I eliminate my preamp?
Nice post George.  You figured out all the specs of my system. And as I put my system together I tried to do as much of that as I could.  I wondered about capacitance of my cables, input sensitivity of my amp and so on. I think it payed off.The da... 
Should I eliminate my preamp?
Using a passive I know in my case that there is a real noticeable difference when I go from a 1 meter cable to a half of meter cable. I has a fuller more complete sound when I use a half a meter cable no matter which the five brands I have to try. 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
+1 Elizabeth. I have to say I thought only women did that. Maybe they don't and men do. I don't know, but it is very silly. 
Have you ever hated the sound of your system one day, and loved it the next?
+1 ieales and gdhalThat's what I seem to like. A level that is just right, seems to be the most natural sounding to me. 
DIY - Top end 2-way for difficult rooms
I appreciate you sharing this. Someday I would like to build a diy speaker. Thanks 
Does anyone know what happened to SUMO Electronics?
Rich May did the Polaris amp version 1. There were two more after that but I like the first one better. Had it for 25 yrs and had transistors replaced twice. But it was worth it. A really good amp.Rich run quite a high bias on those  mosfets in th... 
Vintage Amps for Thiel 1.5
I had a sumo polaris and athena (run in bypass mode mostly) on my 1.2's. They were an amazing match. Better than krell ksa 50, rowland model 1 and 5, and a couple of threshold units I cannot remember. Of course that is in my system. What was bette... 
Thiel Owners
Since I have had my 2.4's I have been playing with cables. I have a dozen different ones I have gathered over the years. Nothing high priced. But I thought I would mention that my system seemed to click in to another level when I put in the van de... 
It's Simple
I think there is engineering protocol and it has mostly definite parameters. And then there is the real world. They both effect each other but are not exactly the same because engineering cannot conceive of every complexity although it does extrem... 
It's Simple
ieales thank you for your insight. I really appreciate it. I am sure Shadorne meant to say thanks to. I agree with most of what both of you have said.  I do think you both are agreeing on a lot but shadorne is getting caught up on a few particular...