
Responses from marqmike

HELP!!! I need a “GOOD-CHEAP” preamp solution???
Burson audio soloist about 700.00. Burson solid state has a rich full character. A sweet little pre. 
Do preamps have a material affect on high level sources?
A question. Out of curiosity. Atmasphere you talk of how an active pre can minimize cable effects, and you know what you are talking about and not me. But thinking about that, I was wondering something else regarding the active pre’s effect. Does ... 
Spam Prevention
Thank you for keeping this site from being over run by various things. 
Daedalus Audio Apollo Speakers
His cabinets do look beautiful. I bet you will enjoy them for a long time. 
What are the best speakers you have ever owned and why?
MiamianglerI was in SLC up to 1979. I bought equipment from Broadway Stereo Shop downtown. Tannoy Cheviot's and Yamaha CR810 receiver. Also up in Sugerhouse, I forgot the shops name, I got some Klipsch Heresey's.  Do you remember any of those plac... 
Lyle Lovett & John Hiatt, on tour
I have seen Lovett in a small venue in Cheyenne.  A really good night out. I like Hiatt. So if they come my way(denver area) we will go. Thanks for the heads up. 
Recommendation on power amp
As some have been adamant about, you can post anything you want until the moderators close it down. However I think most of us here don’t like spending time in a stinky restroom with others. Rather, probably most like the sharing of a hobby we enj... 
Sell your $$$ cables and conditioners... affordable LITHIUM is here!
Can you unplug the Yeti 500 until you get finished listening? Sounds like on one charge a Yeti 500 would run about 4 hrs supplying 123 watts per hour? I don’t know for sure. 
If you want to get the best of your transport, try this.
This is where I am with my system, just doing a little fine tuning. It sounds terrific right now and if I did not get any vibration or isolation thingees I would live happily ever after. But I think it would be good to give it a go. I appreciate t... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Willie Nelson  and  Wynton Marsalis  Two Men with the Blues 
What is the best way to tame a slightly bright speaker?
gawdbless+1 tomcy6 If you are kind enough to tell how you tamed it, as everyone here has tried to help you, you maybe helping someone else 
Whats playing on your system today?
Yo Yo Ma   Appalachian Suite 
What are the best speakers you have ever owned and why?
Here is my list mostly in order. I may have forgot one or two. What is interesting I did not get rid of one to get the other. I was not looking for improvements with other speakers. With a little time and attention most all of these could be made ... 
When artistic and entertainment worlds collide.
Nice headsup guys. I do not listen to the radio, haven’t since about 1967. I like getting recommendations a lot. My favorite way to get good music. And here on top of that there are people like bdp24 and others that give back stories a lot of time... 
How to DIY yourself very nice Class D monoblocks
ErikBelles reference 150 v2 class ’B’ ampDavid has started with a clean slate for the Reference series, and this amplifier bears little resemblance to its ancestors. The 150A Reference V2 is a Class B design that provides 125 watts per channel int...