Responses from maril555
VAC Signature 2a Preamp Question Knghifi,No, I didn't, but I used shorting plugs, that I feel is a more effective options, than Cardas- made no difference anyhow.I tried mu-metal sheets to shield PS and control unit- no difference. Actually, the advice of moving PS and control un... | |
VAC Signature 2a Preamp Question Zd542You are right saying, that switching to MM will likely alleviate the hum. But for a different reason.It has to do with the SUT in the MC section picking up EMI from the PS, and not with the higher gain of the MC input. | |
VAC Signature 2a Preamp Question Alonski,I can save your time and effort- I've had that EXACT same problem, called Kevin, and that's what he advised me to do- move PS away from the control unit. By doing so, you will get rid of 90% of the hum. And that is THE ONLY solution. I eve... | |
VAC Signature 2a Preamp Question I've had Signature 2a before, and can tell you with confidence, that the problem you are experiencing, is the EMI induced. And its generated by the power supply. EMI affects SUT in the MC section of the phono stage. If you switch to MM, or any oth... | |
Reed Muse 3C turntable How much $$$ does it sell for?Without knowing the price, it's very difficult for me personally to form an opinion. | |
Joule Electra Amp Repair My understanding is, and I might be wrong, that Judd is semi-retired | |
Joule Electra Amp Repair Well.Unfortunately, Simon Thatcher, who was my personal friend as well, had passed away not long ago.He was a forefront for Joule Electra for quite some time, with Judd Barber being in charge of the production side of things. | |
When does non-delivery become a crime? I can name one- Joe Fratus, who was a US distributor for Art Audio (UK company).Took my $6,000 (100%) deposit for an PX25 amp about 4-5 years ago. I'm still waiting | |
pins layout on umbilical cord Thank you guysThink I got it | |
pins layout on umbilical cord Manufacturer wants to know how numbered male pins correspond to female receptacle, 1 to 1, 2 to 2,etc.I don't think pictures would help him | |
Retail ricing on Entreq grounding system Tboooe,Does it mean they sell at MSRP, even if there is no dealer here? | |
Retail ricing on Entreq grounding system Cerrot,You are the man | |
Retail ricing on Entreq grounding system And the price of Entreq is??? | |
Retail ricing on Entreq grounding system Then, why not to publish prices for a different regions?And I know an answer to this one. Still, it doesn't make it any less annoying.The question remains- retail on Entreq in USA | |
Bizarre buzz Jea48- this makes perfect sense, and answers my question.I simply didn't know that transformers are energized even when amp turned off.It is such a pleasure to learn from people (such as yourself), who do know, vs. just expressing an opinion.Thank... |