Reed Muse 3C turntable

Has anyone had a chance to hear this table?
I contacted the company about the possibility of using my Air Tangent arm with their table and I can say that their customer support has been second to none. They even sent me a set of CAD drawings (to scale) and computer renderings showing exactly what the arm would look like on their table.
They've been around since 2007/08 and though that isn't a very long time, during that time I believe they have established a good reputation for their tonearms.
I can't speak to the issue of price. It certainly isn't a cheap table. Past experience tells me that you can sometimes get better value from companies that don't have large advertising costs etc. I'm not saying that that is the case here, however, I simply don't know. The table appears to be well-engineered, well-thought out, well-built, and according to reviews it sounds great. I don't know if the price is fair.
I bought it and I'm very happy with it and with the service I have received from the company.
The thing I question is the wall wart switching power supply for the 12VDC motor.
I've just ordered a linear power supply and I'll report on my system page if it makes any difference.
How much $$$ does it sell for?
Without knowing the price, it's very difficult for me personally to form an opinion.
The drive system seems to have a lot in common with the Kuzma Reference, if and when the Muse 3C is used as a belt-drive. I do see some benefits to the belt-drive configuration, as compared with more typical belt-drives, and I guess having the pressure of two rim drive wheels evenly applied on each side of the driven disc also has some benefits, if you use it as a rim drive. I also see why staggering the diameters of the idlers and the driven wheel is wise, but I wonder what happens to speed accuracy if and when there is wear on any of the elements of the drive system. And do two rim-drivers impart more noise into the platter than one? Also, does it seem a bit confusing to the potential buyer, receiving a mixed message about belt- vs rim-drive? What does the inventor want it to be?

Parenthetically, I own a Reed 2A tonearm and love it.