VAC Signature 2a Preamp Question

Before you say, "Dude, there's already a thread posted about this question!" Well, forgive me, I could not find it. This is an inquiry for Signature 2a owners who have the built-in MC/MM phono stage: When the selector is on #6, which is the turntable, I get a background hum and some of what is probably tube rush, and it's especially audible with no music playing with the volume up. When I switch to the DAC setting, with the same volume setting, everything is dead quiet. Do I have a problem or is this normal?

Your feedback is welcome and appreciated,
Ag insider logo xs@2xalonski
"Everything is grounded well. It could be tube rush from the phono section tubes (the line stage is quiet)."

In case you missed it, read my post from yesterday.
I can save your time and effort- I've had that EXACT same problem, called Kevin, and that's what he advised me to do- move PS away from the control unit. By doing so, you will get rid of 90% of the hum. And that is THE ONLY solution. I even played with some additional shielding with m- metal, no difference.
You are right saying, that switching to MM will likely alleviate the hum. But for a different reason.
It has to do with the SUT in the MC section picking up EMI from the PS, and not with the higher gain of the MC input.
You are right saying, that switching to MM will likely alleviate the hum. But for a different reason.
It has to do with the SUT in the MC section picking up EMI from the PS, and not with the higher gain of the MC input."

I agree. But its just too simple not to try. Also, it can't be ruled out either because we don't know what the OP has, or how its set up. You're probably right, though, given this is a common problem with this model preamp.
07-27-15: Maril555
I can save your time and effort- I've had that EXACT same problem, called Kevin, and that's what he advised me to do- move PS away from the control unit. By doing so, you will get rid of 90% of the hum. And that is THE ONLY solution. I even played with some additional shielding with m- metal, no difference.
Maril555, Just curious did you try covering all unused input and output connectors with Cardas or AQ caps?