

Responses from mapman

frequency range for instrument vs speaker
Just to be clear, the SB touch frequency spectrum display would indicate the frequency distribution of the signal the touch receives as input. I wonder if it is based on the digital input signal or the analog output of the internal DAC? Dunno.ANyw... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Batch,I am familiar with the Walsh 2 upgrade process but never been through it. Doesn't sound too bad again if one is comfortable with ripping out teh old boards in the base and working a glue gun. I did the glue gun bit once on my old Walsh 2s to... 
More power for better sound at low volumes?
Power alone has perhaps the least of anything to do with low volume sound quality. Almost everything else matters more. THere is lots of good info in threads scattered about here on A'gon already about what goes into getting good sound at lower vo... 
upgraded power cables after a power conditioner
IF the power needs fixing/filtering/conditioning (which is often but not always the case) then the best strategy to me is to first get it right via the proper power conditioner that can do the job, ie do the filtering/conditioning well and deliver... 
why do we argue?
As long as Bryon and others are willing to spend the time to try and shed light on difficult questions through their educated and well thought out insights, I am glad to spend the time reading as well.Its my .1% non chimp homo-sapien side speaking... 
About synergy?
I'll go out on a limb and say that any real improvement to quality of power should always result in positive improvements in sound quality, so it is one tweak that is more about optimizing performance in general and less about synergy. If an impro... 
frequency range for instrument vs speaker
FWIW, Squeezebox touch has a frequency spectrum display mode that can be switched to by touching the display area where album art is displayed by default I believe. Dunno how accurate, but it appears to be somewhat useful to get an idea of what th... 
frequency range for instrument vs speaker
I tend to think similar to Drew_eckhardt.A speaker that is flat and can perform without breakup nor compression at real life volumes best will tend to extend similarly below the frequency range where the lowest and most common fundamentals occur e... 
why do we argue?
I recall as a child listening to my mother and her male siblings (all very smart but not college educated which was common in the day) argue regularly over various everyday things. Women tend to argue more based on emotions and my mother was quite... 
why do we argue?
"Read Jburidan's post. Then read it again. That's all you need to know.""JburidanOur genes are 99.99% chimp."I think Jburidan is nicely paraphrasing what Bryon said so that even the chimps among us get it! :> 
why do we argue?
"My answer to the original question: like everything else, it's about control (and sometimes manipulation) of others."Bingo!That's basically it.Sometimes but not always a sinister thing. Motives will vary. Could be a humanitarian gesture to help a... 
What makes music so congested?
Probably at a local record store (Record and Tape Traders) years back. It was the one usually stocked for years until yet newer remasters came out as I recall.If you check the rear label that remaster from that year is clearly labeled that it is r... 
why do we argue?
It's Fathers Day.Argument ceasefire until tomorrow? 
Analytical or Musical Which way to go?
I'm sticking to my position in my first post. This is really a futile discussion. 
comparison between SS Spectral and LAMM tube amp
From what I have heard with Avalon + good SS amps (Boulder), I would not even think about a tube amp unless it were absolute top notch, along the line of a better VAC amp or something similar, ie not much different sounding than a really good SS a...