

Responses from mapman

What is a high end stereo SUPPOSED to sound like?
"is this hobby strictly a cognitive exercise? Improving systems simply moves toward certain sonic goals without any change in emotional response to the music being played? "That's a good question!I do not see it that way at all but I do not doubt ... 
Best speakers to "abuse" for around $2k ?
Ive never heard a pair of cerwin vegas that did not sound bloated and undefined in the bass but maybe i never tried the rjght amp. 
The best speaker you ever heard?
I am not a hybrid fan generally but i liked the gts alot based on a limited audition. Maggies on steroids is nit an unreasonable description. I heard ths voltis also. I loved the looks. The sound wasquite nice at lower volumes i heard these at. No... 
Is a vinyl rig only worth it for oldies?
Chad,My background is more digital image processing than digital audio but I recall even back in the 80's implementing image enhancement algorithms that increased information content in digital imagery without peaking out or saturating teh brightn... 
Best speakers to "abuse" for around $2k ?
Look for a pair of used OHM Walsh. They are fairly bullet proof and generally take whatever you throw at them well. Abuse away! 
Is a vinyl rig only worth it for oldies?
It would not surprise me if vinyl is affected by "loudness wars" pretty much the same as digital. The record companies do what they do for a reason....to try to sell more records (or CDs). I doubt that most have the tiny purist audiophile communit... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Good question.Who exactly is my grumpy old grandfather figure PettyOfficer?Not Ernst Stavro Blofeldor Dr. Evil I hope!A good guy I hope. Mr. Bond perhaps?Maybe the Bond girls are fewer and far between these days accounting for the grumpiness. 
Fuses that matter.
I recently added a faux leather recliner. My sound quality went down. Before dabbling with my fuses, I may try replacing it with a real leather chair for better sound first + a fashion statement. 
Are 'Thin-Tower' Speakers Voiced for HT?
If its good for music, it should be good for main 2 channels of HT also.In practice, it doesn't work as well in general the other way around, but there are always exceptions. 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
PO,Sorry for that.I truly enjoy your diatribes. You're like the cranky old grandfather that I never had. 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
"And to think, all this time I thought it was George Bush's fault !!!!!"Well, I do blame him (the younger) for a lot but I doubt he even knew what a bit is.Maybe Petty could have educated him. 
What is a high end stereo SUPPOSED to sound like?
I think the key is understanding that listening to music is largely an emotional experience. Everything else is just a means to that end.Down deep, most audiophiles are driven by emotion as much as anything else. We're a bunch of emotional softies... 
How does one get off the merry-go-round?
Sailcappy speaks words of wisdom.....Obsessive behavior is seldom a good thing, whether it be supersizing it at McDonalds or watching your money fly into the wind on the audio merry go round. 
What is a high end stereo SUPPOSED to sound like?
IT should sound:enjoyable, exhilarating, powerful, delicate, enthralling. A lot like good live music but not exactly the same.Basically, you can't get enough!It should not sound:dull, boring, distorted, irritating.Like some live music.Basically, i... 
Is a vinyl rig only worth it for oldies?
Atmasphere,Let's put the vinyl/digital debate on teh shelf for a moment.Do you find any digital enjoyable when you hear it played on your gear? How about other gear?If you see any value at all with digital on your gear, my advice would be to ride ...