Responses from mapman
Bass leaves after amp warms up? Hopefully the new amp is coming this week and will help pave the way out of hifi hell into utopia. | |
Is soundstage just a distortion? Good gear alone does not assure a wide sound stage. Room acoustics, setup and listening position are big parts of the equation. Plus sound stage will vary naturally recording to recording. | |
Audio Kharma website Yeah, so those ak guys seem to be a bunch of dumpster rooting, thrift fair tootin simpletons. Now, here's the million dollar question... Sound quality/dollars spent ratio. Who wins? Audiogoners? Or AKers? | |
I'm studying MIT cables My understanding from having read some of the MIT literature a while back is that in general more poles are better, similar to how more bands on a graphic equalizer is better, ie each has to deal with less bandwidth. How many is enough or how much... | |
Greatest Composers of All Time No sense ranking classical composers other than saying that Bach is leaps and bounds still the greatest ever, and the list did get that one right. | |
Bass leaves after amp warms up? "'I can't assume a dedicated power amp will solve the problem till I try."It's an assumption until you try but based on sound supporting evidence that the amp is not the best amp for those nominal 4 ohm load speakers. Other than this, pretty much ... | |
Magico Comparison Peterayer,I'm sure KEF and Magico do not sound the same, so preference will always be a consideration.But in terms of overall performance, how did the KEF Blades compare to Magico? What was similar and what was different?Thanks. | |
Tubes/SS Power Amps? "a Class D hifi amp would have to have blue VU meters and an Art Deco case for me to warm up to it,"That would be cool. Any Mac Class Ds yet? That would get my attention.GIve it time.... | |
Tubes/SS Power Amps? "Class D is so neutral, quiet and clean that I'm probably hearing the sound of my preamp and source more than the sound imparted by my amp."That's a good point and may well be the case. I use a tube pre-amp with my Class D amps as well (Audio Rese... | |
Audio Kharma website Taters,You realize of course that there are way more people in the world who are interested in bacon, rummage sales, and Sears stereos then there are interested in most things discussed here, right?Think of AK as community college. SOme may gradua... | |
Hammacher Schlemmer has Kronos $28,000 I'm sure HS, given their impeccable audiophile credentials, would not sell this turntable if it did not work to the tee exactly as advertised. :^) | |
Bass leaves after amp warms up? One thing to add is that a less than optimal speaker/amp pairing does not necessarily mean that either device is faulty or defective. Just that they are not the best match for each other electronically. Given that, depending on how long you have o... | |
Bass leaves after amp warms up? Fish, until you make a change to try a more effective pairing of speaker and amp, not sure there is much else to say. Once you have that in place, then additional tweaking may or may not be needed as well from there. IT all depends on how "finicky... | |
Bass leaves after amp warms up? "What is the solution?"Hasn't changed.Need to change amp or speakers, until you find the combo that floats your boat. It's called a system upgrade, right? Assuming speakers stay for now and amp changes, switching to a more beefy dedicated power am... | |
Magico Comparison "Engineering-wise, if you have to go to that much effort to suppress cabinet sound, then why not get rid of the cabinet altogether?"Cabinets are generally needed for good full range bass in a larger room. Downside is if/when unwanted resonance occ... |