

Responses from mapman

Dynaudio C1 and voices
Also, when you say voices are "less than terrific" what does that mean? Are you able to understand the vocals in most decent recordings? OR can you understand but something does not sound right in regards to tonality perhaps?Thanks. 
Dynaudio C1 and voices
Interesting topic. I own Dynaudios (not C1s) and other make speakers and run them concurrently of the same source system in different rooms, so I have taken some notice of how my Dyns do voices compared to others.What's feeding the Dyn's? SOurce, ... 
Why does most new music suck?
"*But it's always been the simplest of melodies that are the most pleasing""Rja, mediocrity is the norm for everything, not just music."Taken together, it seems that the simplest of melodies are most pleasing, and the norm is mediocrity.So the dil... 
Why does most new music suck?
Tube,The PT tree concert I attended (FOABP tour) was also excellent. It was my idea to go and dragged a friend along as well who also enjoyed it. It was the loudest concert I had been to probably since college. The sound was stellar as well as the... 
Why does most new music suck?
"**** I haven't even touched the surface and I dare say no one here has heard anywhere near the full gamut of what's been done in the past.********"That's very true and a good way to go if new music is not of interest. I do some of both, but still... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
"Besides size how do the Ohm Walsh 2000 and 3000 series differ?"Size of the speaker/enclosure, size of the Walsh driver, and size of the room that the speaker is capable of producing full range sound in accordingly. Larger rooms generally require ... 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
Raul,You sound like you are well informed regarding AHEE untruths. What are you non-AHEE sources of truth then? I would really like to know! 
Why does most new music suck?
Rok,I can only speak for myself. Regarding The Porcupine Tree cut, I relate to it personally in two ways. First, I like it artistically as a musical attempt to tell a story. The track is a cut from a fairly recent PT concept album "Fear of A Blank... 
Why does most new music suck?
Oy vey.... 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
"NO it's not, even you learned ( for the good or bad ) through the AHEE and your ears accustomed to what the AHEE taught to you."You mean I shouldn't put all my trust in those guys who want to sell me something?How about just a little here and the... 
Why does most new music suck?
Another way I discover new music without incurring too much risk or expense is to look for CDs on the cheap wherever I might find them, Goodwill store, yard sales, ebay, amazon, wherever and just take a chance for whatever reason. Then the CD goes... 
Why does most new music suck?
In the good old days of music/audio (the 70's for me) I used to listen to the radio to discover new music I liked.Tougher these days, especially if one is not disposed to like modern pop music. I qualify but only to an extent, because I constinue ... 
Why does most new music suck?
I like the "Brian Evans" cut. Nothing new or radical there, but pretty groovy, baby, yeah!! Not pop as defined these days typically (maybe 50 years ago) or rock certainly, but who cares? Forget genre or labels applied by others. Just listen to the... 
Why does most new music suck?
"Interestingly enough, as all these bands seem to be trying too hard, the effort it demands to like it is commensurate. It's just work. Where's the fun part? "Csontos,Say what? I understand liking something new might take effort, but where does th... 
Why does most new music suck?
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