

Responses from mapman

How does one "Get lost in the music"?
Yeah, as a kid, when I was far less obsessed with "good sound" I used to get lost listening to FM on a little Panasonic handheld transistor radio.I suppose its a good idea to know one is capable of getting lost in music first before going too craz... 
Sub/ triangle
I have Triangle Titus also. Wonderful speakers that do what they do very well, but low bass extension is not what they do, so generally a very good candidate to supplement via sub(s).If you do not care about or need bass extension below 50hz or so... 
How does one "Get lost in the music"?
There are no rules (yet) regarding the right or wrong way to listen. Hopefully we never come to that.It's a hobby. Hobbies are for fun! That's the only requirement. Nothing else really matters. I am a techie so I enjoy the technical aspects of wha... 
Tube in Preamp or Power amp?
First I will say that I like tubes and think they are way cool and can sound really good.Then I will say my approach, FBOFW, is keep tubes to a minimum because there is additional work involved to care for tube gear properly and there are many way... 
How does one "Get lost in the music"?
However accomplished, you have to avoid any distractions and yes really be able to focus to get lost, whether that comes naturally or more commonly if it requires a lot of effort. Bottom line is you must FOCUS!Don't know about any "higher planes" ... 
How does one "Get lost in the music"?
Things that help me include yoga and meditation, having an appealing environment to listen in, staying away from tv, and minimizing any fatigue inducing aspects of my gear, and of course listening to music I find interesting. Including a lot of gi... 
$9000 speaker Orangutan or speaker + amplifier
Kidd, Not aware of the concept of an octave being applied to light/eyes, so not sure how to digest the comparison to sound/ears, but I'll buy the timing considerations being more difficult part as mattering when it comes to playback of recorded mu... 
$9000 speaker Orangutan or speaker + amplifier
"Mapman, photography with a current $500 camera is a LOT better than nearly all high end systems."The fact that a relatively inexpensive camera these days can take such good pictures is just one reason why I often wonder how much beef there really... 
Do you indulge when listening to your rig?
I bet Wolf is not as funny when he is not toasted. 
Best Speakers for 10' x 12' room?
I'd be prone to want to buy from the dealer with speakers that sound good to you that helps to best take your specific needs into consideration, including room size, acoustics, listening preferences, etc. That's probably the most important thing. ... 
$9000 speaker Orangutan or speaker + amplifier
Music is art. All art is impressionistic. Even the highest quality, highest resolution photography is not perfect. There are many other perspectives of teh same thing possible that the photo does not show. 
How to meaningfully audition speakers??
Is suspect most people are quite happy listening to whatever it is they are listening to for whatever reason. Only audiophiles are "smart" enough to let it bother them. Hey, wait a minute..... 
How to meaningfully audition speakers??
It all comes back to what is your reference for good sound. As long as you know what it is for you, there is a good chance of a happy ending. Otherwise, chances are slim. 
How to meaningfully audition speakers??
"The reason live drum sounds don't go through your hifi is the fact that uncompressed drums would blow up most any home system's speakers, "Not to mention the amp clipping that would probably occur and totally ruin the sound anyhow in most cases e... 
Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution?
"an amp alone has tonal characteristics"Maybe if you listen with a large enough sample size of different speakers to determine.But what is "best" or even better will be determined more by other things I think.