Responses from mapman
What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed "Mapman, please just go ahead and buy any fuse that works and stop trying to muck up the discussions that other wish to have with more empirical listeners."Tbg, my ears tell me I am an empirical listener just as yours tell you which direction the ... | |
What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed "Is it possible the fuse is constructed in such a way that it performs better one way than the other."That is a very good question! | |
What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed ALso, why burden people with a directional fuse and provide no useful guidance on which way to instal it in teh first place? Why not just make it work similarly well both ways and save people the work of trying to figure it out themselves? I can b... | |
What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed "Mapman, how many times must you recite your mantra?"Until someone acknowledges that there is no direction with AC current so there cannot be a right or wrong.THis is a fact and valid point. TO ignore it shows a disregard for facts when they stand... | |
What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed "So there would seem to be no way to know which direction is correct, although in this case the writer at least cites some measurements made, FWIW."Even worse...there IS no direction with AC current, so there CANNOT be a correct or incorrect one. | |
What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed "Second, there was less line noise when measured with the orientation of the fuse along current flow within the circuit.Second, there was less line noise when measured with the orientation of the fuse along current flow within the circuit."It's al... | |
What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed Well, actually, no there isn't in that which way DOES AC current flow again exactly? Both ways I think. That is why it is called alternating current. So there is no direction even in which to align anything.So that means you can choose to try both... | |
What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed " I saw the arrows as indications that there was something going on inside the "fuses" that required a specific orientation."Well, what do the makers say about that?IF nothing, then we are back where we started...he said she said. If they do, then... | |
" Dumb and dumber " audiophile question ? I notice a lot of rhetorical questions in these parts, but few if any I would consider dumb. | |
Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs So your position then is that these things are needed and nobody is qualified to say?That would seem to dismiss the value of any kind of review then. People can and will make up their minds on their own.I'll buy that. Like I said, the reviews have... | |
Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs My opinion is that one should not need such expensive gadgets in order to enjoy music fully.On the flip side, the cutting edge of anything is bound to be disproportionately expensive and benefits likely to be more marginal as well, so it is ground... | |
What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed " So, it sounds like you and Al would not be interested in feng shui type ideas even if they improved the sound? Well, that's a fine howdyado. Geez, you guys really are set in your ways."I can only speak for me, not Al.Pick up a few follower's of ... | |
Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs My wires only cost a small % of that and I am happy so I am not qualified to say. | |
What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed Al, that's a VERY generous analogy! :^) | |
Help with compression and dynamic range One valid reason to compress a recording is so they can be heard better over background noise. Only audiophile types lock themselves in quiet rooms when listening to music. |