

Responses from mapman

NY Audio Show
Here's a nice read from the ohmspeakers website about prepping for the upcoming show:http://ohmspeakers.com/news/get-a-room/ 
Class D Technology
georgelofi you are correct about switching frequency being teh key to even better Class D amps in the future.Have you listened to any good quality class D amps or are you judging solely on technical interpretation?Fact is the good ones sound very ... 
Enough SET Power for Rock and Roll
Rock music is loud and that's the way most fans want to hear it.  If you are an audiophile you want it loud with all the other good stuff audiophiles listen for.   The opinions appear to be mixed whether a SET amp can truly do rock well.   I think... 
Class D Technology
Listen and decide. My Class D amps are the best I’ve ever had by far. They sound great always with most any speaker and that’s all that matters. Gotta match to right speakers for absolute best results though just like any amp.Plus they are most ef... 
Class D Audio Brand does not honor warranty---AVOID!!
Iman have have you encountered any noise issues with yours? 
NY Audio Show
Gd thanks for pointing that out.Maybe others who can go can take advantage of the discount.Are you affiliated with Goldenear? I think they are based right down teh road from me in Maryland. Several local dealers sell them. I’ve liked the larger Ao... 
Class D Audio Brand does not honor warranty---AVOID!!
OP if vendor says amps are working as they should, might be worth while to take up the noise issue with them specifically and ask for advice on how to best diagnose and address it. They should know their products best.If they say its operating nor... 
Class D Audio Brand does not honor warranty---AVOID!!
czar,Its still the amp to blame if more susceptible to noise issues. Just saying that its not unheard of for some Class D architecture switching amps to be the source of noise. It happens. These amps switch at very high frequency. Noise suppressio... 
Class D Audio Brand does not honor warranty---AVOID!!
That's a very good point.Another test might be to try the amp in different physical locations and see if any difference.    Also see if fiddling with IC location going in makes any difference.Class D amps can themselves be source of considerable n... 
Class D Audio Brand does not honor warranty---AVOID!!
What is the warranty on teh product?That should be honored without question else I would think its a legal issue that gives you leverage.If not under warranty, there is still such a thing as good customer service, offering advice, answering questi... 
Enjoying Some Old Friends Regularly Once more
So now I have my Triangle Titus speakers, the smallest I own, sitting idlle rather than the Ls.    Still targeting these for use in a tube amp system someday.   Titus are very high quality and well reviewed speakers as well but on the smaller side... 
Enjoying Some Old Friends Regularly Once more
Had another lengthy listening session with the trusty old Ls yesterday and enjoyed it thoroughly.Corner placement can be a wonderful thing. I’d encourage anyone with the option and need to consider giving it a try.They also by far have the best am... 
Where is the significant point of diminishing returns on hi-end turntable?
Actually RTR should be capable of setting the reference standard for sound. Then you can try to approach it with vinyl but will probably never happen. Hi res digital might have a chance. 
Where is the significant point of diminishing returns on hi-end turntable?
All I can say is its much higher if you have an interest in turntables themselves as much as listening to music. Many factors go into the sound and the options are endless. You can take it as far as you want for as long as you want. It takes time ... 
Class D Audio Brand does not honor warranty---AVOID!!
Can you relate how you know the problem is the amp?  Have you tried swapping in a  different amp in to determine that the problem was in fact the amp?