Responses from mapman
Stereo Receivers from the past... Quad 12l? it me, I'd put one of the old McIntosh tube receivers to those just to spice things up a bit. | |
Any difference in SQ from USB drive storage to NAS playback? Jitter is relevant to the digital to analog sound conversion process between music streaming source and DAC downstream but not here in the case of either usb disk storage or NAS. Neither has anything directly to do with sound quality, just digital... | |
Stereo Receivers from the past... I’ve heard a lot of receivers over the years. and the Nakamichis were some of the best. Hard to come by these days though. What speakers will be used? | |
Any difference in SQ from USB drive storage to NAS playback? Usb 2 bandwidth is ~480 million bits per second. Cd resolution music bitrate is 1.4 million bits per second. No problem. Not even close. | |
Any difference in SQ from USB drive storage to NAS playback? As long as there is enough bandwidth to transfer the data fast enough ( there should be with most home network connections or with most any properly functioning usb drive with cd resolution files ) there should be no difference. If not, some st... | |
Automatic Room Correction is better than the alternative. Technology is a wonderful thing but one has to apply it correctly. | |
Any difference in SQ from USB drive storage to NAS playback? Should be no difference. | |
Do I really need a separate Roon Core (computer) to use Roon Software? You can run a music server on any supported platform you choose and may already own. | |
Just another Orange fuse thread Maybe threads that trash people with an opposing view’s ability to appreciate art or listen properly deserve to be deleted? That seems to serve no useful purpose and would qualify as spam.Personally I prefer them to stay. They are very educational. | |
Just another Orange fuse thread The threads get closed because the discussion tends to turn into personal attacks if posters do not drink the kool aid. | |
Usless but interesting many of you old timers started with original Large Advents? No but Early on I had Ohm Ls which fit in a college dorm room better. Ls were designed to sound similar to the large Advents but were ported and smaller. They sold both at Tech HiFi back then. I personally preferred the sound of the Ohms. | |
Low-sensitivity speakers — What's special about them? I think it’s a common misperception that smaller speakers mean you can have a lesser amp to drive them. The exact opposite is case if the speakers are good quality and you want to get the most out of them. | |
Low-sensitivity speakers — What's special about them? More and better bass out of a smaller package with the right beefy amp capable of delivering it. | |
$3000 stand mounted speakers? Fritz Speakers are the ticket. | |
Guest suddenly takes it upon herself to move my speakers No but I visited a Friend who had his monitors sitting directly on a wood floor and I had to assert great restraint. I am going to find that guy a pair of stands. |