

Responses from mapman

I can prove your room is bad
Way to make audiophiles even more neurotic than they already are! 
WHat did Audiophiles hear during Tape deck era?
Here you go GK, this will help illustrate it for you: https://wiki.fractalaudio.com/wiki/images/6/63/Main_chart.jpg Good luck! 
WHat did Audiophiles hear during Tape deck era?
Gk you might be mistaking hiss (noise) for air (which is part of the music)."Air" refers to most of what you hear in music above ~15-16khz.But that’s OK. If you are also truly hearing Bob Dylan say that as you repeatedly insist, you may have other... 
WHat did Audiophiles hear during Tape deck era?
Yep Uber my first music maker was a Hitachi portable cassette recorder ~ 1972 or so. BEfore that a Panasonic transistor radio.I graduated to a $200 Sanyo compact system with radio, phono AND cassette a year later. Woohoo I was in heaven. Until I s... 
WHat did Audiophiles hear during Tape deck era?
This was an interesting read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassette_deck Cassette tape format was originally designed for voice recording applications, not hifi. Started with your typical portable cassette tape recorder. Then later adapted to tap... 
WHat did Audiophiles hear during Tape deck era?
Could be commercially produced cassettes got better in the 80's and 90's.   Don't know.  There was certainly a lot of room for improvement.   I dumped the format in favor of hifi VHS by then. Then came digital recording.The format is still inheren... 
WHat did Audiophiles hear during Tape deck era?
I worked at a Tech Hifi back in what I suppose was part of the "cassette era" (1978-1980).We sold a lot of cassette decks along with the receivers, amps, tuners and turntables.Nobody that I recall ever demoed a system using a cassette deck by choi... 
WHat did Audiophiles hear during Tape deck era?
The appeal of cassette decks versus other sources of yesteryear like vinyl and radio was always that they could make decent quality recordings. I stopped using my cassette deck to record when vhs hifi recorders came out. Much better format! Less t... 
Removing a ZERO from the price of amps
They can send me one too while they are at it.  :^)I would compare to my current Bel Canto Ref1000m amps that have twice the juice but were also twice the cost retail. 
Removing a ZERO from the price of amps
Smaller and more powerful, yet also more manageable and cost effective (but still top notch sound) is the unique value proposition of Class D technology.Not bloating Class D into just another over-built or merely just uber expensive high end audio... 
Too good a post to waste
Just goes to show you can’t always believe what you read but you probably will anyway if it supports your agenda. 
In Defense of Audiophiles, Bose, Pass, Toole and Science
How does this defend “audiophiles”?   
WHat did Audiophiles hear during Tape deck era?
You need to talk to Geoffkait. My understanding from him is  he is still in the “cassette era”. 
Why no Virtual System pics??
In general,  from a security perspective, it is not a good idea to publish personal information on the internet.  
Full Range speakers for a living space
Ohm Walsh and there are several cabinet shapes possible. None are rectangular. You have to contact Ohm Speakers and inquire what options are available at any particular time.   https://ohmspeaker.com/