

Responses from mapman

What is Floyd Toole saying about extra amplifier power and headroom?
That’s good, but there is still not much to bank on with the MF amp regarding how it handles even 6 ohms nominal even with dips below that. So that still leaves things open perhaps to a significant extent. 6 ohms nominal may be a harder load than ... 
What is Floyd Toole saying about extra amplifier power and headroom?
Well its 45 amps per monoblock X 2 = 90 amps total.....nothing to sneeze at especially with a most efficient Class D design.Musical Fidelity is a stereo amp so most likely the peak is 140A total.Again, specs never tell all the story, but in lieu o... 
Questioning Tannoy, Tekton or other possible change.
I’ve read in reviews the newer Turnberrys take some liberties with some components used like tweeter design for cost reasons and do not use the best in the Tannoy arsenal either past or present as do some of the higher models. Cheviot may be one o... 
Questioning Tannoy, Tekton or other possible change.
I predict both will perform similarly well with your amp but the difference in sound will be nearly as profound as the difference in aesthetics and which is better will come down largely to a matter of personal preference. If its as simple as want... 
What is Floyd Toole saying about extra amplifier power and headroom?
Sounds like a plan.  I am very interested to hear how much different or not  the BCs sound from your current amps and how that pans out for you.I'll go out on a limb based on my prior MF->BC Class D change which is similar but different and say... 
Preamp SS to match class D amp
TEchnically, most any SS pre-amp should match well with most any SS amp including Class D. So that is not a factor to be concerned about when choosing a SS pre-amp to use with Class D.Where it becomes an issue is with tube pre-amps that typically ... 
What is Floyd Toole saying about extra amplifier power and headroom?
If it were me that owned the Magico Mini’s like any very good speaker, I would do anything I could ie throw the kitchen sink at it as needed to allow it to perform at its best before adding anything else.That’s what I did with my big Ohm 5s and it... 
Questioning Tannoy, Tekton or other possible change.
That’s where reviews both professional and by everyday users come in and help one formulate a better opinion than can be done otherwise.No matter what, though, in the end it's still just an opinion.  If based on facts, it might actually be a good ... 
What is Floyd Toole saying about extra amplifier power and headroom?
A DBA has its own benefits regarding good bass throughout the room but only 1 sub is needed to offload work and reduce risk of compression initially although a DBA might introduce some unique connection requirements that would have to be addressed... 
Questioning Tannoy, Tekton or other possible change.
Opinions can be based on facts or not. Hearing a particular speakers is one very good "fact" to base an opinion on, probably the best, but not the only one, and even that is not fail safe. If that were the case, nobody could ever reasonably decide... 
What is Floyd Toole saying about extra amplifier power and headroom?
I may have blurred the two above somewhat but just to be clear current delivery is more about tonal quality as well as articulate and detailed bass with difficult loads. Power is more about headroom and clipping with less efficient speakers. Two d... 
Questioning Tannoy, Tekton or other possible change.
Well the Tektons will be different for sure. What is the goal of an “upgrade” for you?   
Bob Dylan sells his complete songwriting catalog!
Not a bad payoff for a lifetime of legendary work.   
What is Floyd Toole saying about extra amplifier power and headroom?
Dynamic headroom means having more power than you need. If you don’t the amp may clip during dynamic peaks. If I ran the servers where I work without the dynamic headroom needed to handle peak workloads, they would crash and I be out of a job. Sam... 
What is Floyd Toole saying about extra amplifier power and headroom?
If you can try the Bel Cantos with no obligation that would be worthwhile I think. I am a big fan of Bel Canto and their products are typically highly regarded in reviews. I also have a c5i digital integrated (60 w 8 ohm/120 to 4) in my smaller fa...