Responses from mapman
How can music be sad? Music either resonates with ones senses or it doesn’t. That is just one possible way enabled by our ability to hear. All our life experiences are made possible by ones senses. | |
What is Floyd Toole saying about extra amplifier power and headroom? Yes but the topic was total amps not power so # amps per channel x 2. Class D amps are most efficient by a large margin. That’s their biggest claim to fame. So they are inherently better at delivering more power and current than others. Just like ... | |
What is Floyd Toole saying about extra amplifier power and headroom? My understanding from quick read is the minidsp device can function as an active crossover and it’s internal implementation is digital. Crossover goes between pre amp and amp, both analog. So the digital crossover must then first do Analog to digi... | |
What is Floyd Toole saying about extra amplifier power and headroom? Sounds like you are going plenty loud off a pair of stand monitors so more power may be moot but more current may still be a ticket to better sound.Two potential issues with trying to go louder:1) the old heat/compression factor that could make it... | |
Ohm Speakers Model B The web site indicated they were hit hard by Covid in NYC, backlogged and may be harder to get hold of but if you sent money and did not receive the product I would email or call or whatever is needed to get through. I would have to think they wi... | |
Ohm Walsh F Hope of Resurrection Very cool! | |
Name a few albums which helped determine your musical tastes Oops how did I forget the first real rock music album I ever bought which of course is “Machine Head” by Deep Purple (quad version) followed by “Demons and Wizards” by Uriah Heep. | |
Name the most recent album that has shaped your musical world Various Putumayo World Music CDs. | |
Name a few albums which helped determine your musical tastes ...then as a young man in high school DSOTM WYWH and Animals by Pink Floyd. Also “The Yes Album” and “Genesis Live” and “This is the Moody Blues”. Not to mention “The White Album”. Also DSMIOTPP by Elton John. In college lots of new influences. “T... | |
Name a few albums which helped determine your musical tastes Had to be The Chipmunks Song Book back as a wee lad.Peter and the Wolf (Bernstein version on Columbia Masterworks) probably influenced me as well as in scaring the bejeebers out of me along with the cool music. Yes, we are talking childhood night... | |
The Right Stuff That was one tough hombre! Won’t be forgotten in the history books. | |
Questioning Tannoy, Tekton or other possible change. Review I read of Turnberry recommended putting them on stands to get tweeter to ear level. | |
KEF R3s or Dynaudio special 40? I’ve heard teh R3s and thought them to be absolutely superb, hard to fault. I would own them in a heartbeat. I have ls50s currently (with sub) and will be upgrading to ls50 meta soon which brings those closer to R3 sound. Other KEFs might get the ... | |
Ohm Speakers Model B THe parts and service for that very early (probably rare) model is here: Ohm B | Legacy Products | Ohm Speakers | Custom Audiophile Speakers for Music & Home Theater Shows tweeters as available. Did you talk to Ohm? John Strohbeen?Says they ar... | |
What is Floyd Toole saying about extra amplifier power and headroom? Be careful at 100db plus. That’s a pretty hefty spl. Mid eighties is typically the highest considered safe for extended listening. Not too shabby! |