

Responses from mapman

Best all around speakers
I'm really not sure either there is one speaker that can sound "best" on everything all the time in any room and at different volumes, etc.That's probably one of the reasons why I keep multiple pairs around instead of dropping all the dollars into... 
Best all around speakers
"Some audiophiles have several systems that are suited to various genres."Shadorne, this is certainly a viable approach and perhaps even the best option to produce multiple optimized listening experiences as needed or desired, but don't you think ... 
Best all around speakers
I prefer the strategy of matching amp to speakers rather than going least common denominator, but if you must have speakers that will match to the widest variety of amps, I'd say horns (high efficiency) or something efficient and with > 8 ohm i... 
Gallos how good are they?
Newbee, yes like most of audio, its a personal choice thing.TO my ears, the complex spatial queues captured in recordings from the live performance in concert hall or studio are reproduced more accurately by speakers that lean towards a more omni ... 
Gallos how good are they?
Newbee,Are you saying that a horn is more directional in nature than a harp? Probably true in a relative sense, tough I'd argue the sound waves emitted from a horn still radiate largely in a 3 dimensional half sphere in front of the mouth of the h... 
Catchy tunes that sound great?
The Carpenters stuff is a good call!Gawdbless, I've heard a few of those...will need to check out some others. 
speakers for classical music
Dynamics are the main limitations of Quads and Maggies for that matter when it comes to accurately reproducing large scale symphonic works.My current Ohm Walsh speakers are the best I've owned at that. 
Gallos how good are they?
"The Gallos don't sound anything like the MBL's".No doubt.They also do not sound like the Ohms.The Gallo's are a unique design that addresses may of the same issues as the more "purist" omni designs, yet they have a distinctive sound.The low sound... 
Gallos how good are they?
"The only issue with Omni's, dipoles or panels are the rear reflections which need to be sufficiently delayed in order not to be in danger of collapsing the soundstage/precise imaging"That is very true.Ohms solution to help address this with the O... 
Gallos how good are they?
"The Mirage's soundfield dispersion is not a pure omnidirectional or cylindrical soundfield. It is based on 25 years of research into the dispersion patterns of instruments, the reflection patterns of rooms, and how the human ear perceives sound a... 
Need Help: Integrated 'Tube' Amplifier for Arros
I'd love to hear the Classe integrated with Arros. Classe electronics have always struck me as very smooth and detailed if not particularly "warm".I think Musical Fidelity or perhaps even Krell might also work very well. 
Need an amp with a 'turbo' top end
Yes, asuming the speaks are in good working order, you do need a decent quality "brute" of an amp due to inefficiency and difficult load, if you do not already have one.A high power Class D digital switching amp (250 or 500 W/ch into 8 ohm doublin... 
Need Help: Integrated 'Tube' Amplifier for Arros
ANother Agoner on another thread recently picked up a Unison Unico, 80 w/ch tube/ss hybrid for a new pair of Arros and reports good results.A hybrid tube integrated like that is an interesting possibility. Or a tube pre combined with properly matc... 
Need Help: Integrated 'Tube' Amplifier for Arros
My Ohms share the Arro characteristics of more difficult 4 ohm load and love of current/power. I like many tube systems when I hear them but they are not an easy fit for these kinds of speakers. Bass level and quality can suffer. Good SS gear is t... 
Should I upgrade from B&W CDM 7SEs to Quad 22L2s
I've owned B&Ws and I've heard and like the Quad 22Ls and would personally prefer the QUADS, but that's just me.The Quads are nice but you should probably buy something you can audition first unless you pick up a pair used and can resell if no...