

Responses from mapman

Why buy cheap speakers??
Yep, either it works together and sounds good or not. There are no cost ratio rules worth banking on. 
totem arro
I've heard the Arros sound as "big" as and competitive with speakers from PSB, which I also like very much, and McIntosh that were significantly bigger and cost 3-4 times as much. They are definitely overachievers for their size. They do seem to l... 
Budding Audiophile in San Diego Needs Help
At a glance your right speaker looks to be too close to the wall for good imaging (due to early reflections) and same imaging might benefit further out from rear wall as well. Toe-in might need adjustment in conjunction as well.How far in front of... 
In case you haven't seen the new Maggie?
"See my earlier thread titled "How's Your Power Bill" under Misc. forums. Unfortunately it denigrated into a slugfest between certain Liberals and Conservatives."Gotta fess up that I was kind of an instigator in that "slugfest" when I said:"At the... 
Enough detail or too much?
"I have entertained the thought of two systems but I think it would be too much. I have a hard time keeping up with one."I picked up some inexpensive and unobtrusive vintage gear to create the core of a very simple but nice sounding and looking 2-... 
In case you haven't seen the new Maggie?
Assuming these require lots of power to sound good, which is my current understanding, Class D amps may be a natural mate with these for those that are cost/size/power/space conscious. 
Mark Knophler; recommended music??
Picked up and listened to the Cale CD "5" today.Good call. They do have a very similar sound! I was very impressed with the album. Every song seemed to hold it's own well and a nice recording to boot! 
Best driving music.
"Also like Deep Purples "Highway Star"Its also great to sing and try to hit the wailing scream notes like Ian Gillan playing "Rock Band"! 
Best driving music.
add "Blue Moon Swamp" - John Fogerty 
how do you match speaker size with a room?
Normally, speaker size is not the primary factor, but for smaller rooms, I think it is better to go with smaller speaks that will still have some room to breathe.Here is one speaker company (www.ohmspeakers.com) where room size IS the key factor b... 
Mellencamp on Music Business
Funny I find that despite all the issues there seems to be more music than ever out there to discover and enjoy and even more ways than ever to enjoy it. 
Enough detail or too much?
Rudolf, I like your process and follow something very much similar when setting up my speaks. My only wish is that my rooms were a tad larger because the OHM speaker's sound stage and imaging tends to fill the room from wall to wall and then some ... 
Enough detail or too much?
live/studio: apples/orangesBoth should sound different but still good when things go well.Both can also sound crappy when not.The only things that we listeners can control and adjust to our tastes is 1) our systems and 2) our seats at live events. 
Enough detail or too much?
" If your system is overly picky of recordings, with comparatively few sounding acceptable on it, it is usually a sign that not all is well."Getting as many recording to sound good/acceptable as possible is the best way to tune any system at any p... 
Enough detail or too much?
No arguments from me in general.Seriously, how can one expect an orchestra playing on a system in most listeners rooms to sound like the real thing in a large concert hall? Its not possible. There is too much difference in scale. Even with a fanta...