

Responses from mapman

solid state vs tubes
Key point regarding amp match to speakers by Magfan.For example, in my case, my system and amps are geared towards optimizing performance with the OHM Walsh speakers.I might be more receptive to tube amps if I were gunning to optimize other speake... 
Prima Luna three or Adcom GDP-750?
I'd look for a used Classe pre-amp in your situation. 
Not loving my cambridge 740C
Not familiar with the other pieces but don't give up on the Cambridge. I doubt it is the problem as you describe it. 
solid state vs tubes
My understanding is that the thing that is inherently different about tubes and transistors is the manner in which they clip. You need a lot of SS power and often current in order to take offensive clipping out of the picture with SS amps, especia... 
solid state vs tubes
Well, there is no question that live acoustic music does not sound like any particular amp technology, so I am one who agrees that I want to hear the music, not the technology, in my system in general. If the technology used becomes too apparent, ... 
solid state vs tubes
Its a good question. I'm interested if more chirp in saying they have heard both sound the same or similar.I have not done a/b comparison, but I know that tube amp systems I have heard helped set the reference standard I was shooting for in puttin... 
This is no joke.
Was reading about the Beak tweak that Totem sellsTotem BeakI don't really understand the principle behind this but I wonder if I could have stumbled upon something similar? Its interesting that a reputable speaker company sells a tweak that is adv... 
Albert Porters after market panzerholz plinths
Well, I thought I had a handle on this. Now it appears to have increased in complexity beyond my level of comprehension.I understand that sound propagates at different speeds in different materials, but how this has an effect on the resulting soun... 
This is no joke.
I lied down in the sunroom yesterday eve, closed my eyes to listen and tehn opened them to notice that THEY were gone. My wife must have packed them away somewhere or tossed them, not sure yet. They are funky, but not particularly stylish.With the... 
Review: Merlin Music Systems TSM-MXr Monitor
Rob, Yes, I have yet to experience any small monitors that cannot benefit from a well integrated sub for certain kinds of music where there is a lot going on in the low end and conveying power and/or majesty is part of the potential listening expe... 
Rolling Stone top 100 Guitarists - Howe/Van Halen
I've seen Howe and Yes live 5 times or so.Worth the price of admission every time just to watch Howe do his thing on guitar. 
Review: Merlin Music Systems TSM-MXr Monitor
Rob,Not sure I can agree that bass slam is not a natural concert occurence.What kind of concerts are you referring to?Pop/rock live concerts involving electronic amplification often produce that kind of slam, even in large venues. You can feel the... 
Albert Porters after market panzerholz plinths
Heavy + rigid = better isolation. Is it any more complicated than that? 
Dynaudio C1, why so expensive?
Bottom line is Dynaudio is a very high quality and high performance line. Neither the cheapest nor most expensive, but perhaps one of the most reliable and rock solid from a quality perspective. The Dynaudio sound is very no nonsense, just rock so... 
The Hub: Here's some GOOD NEWS from the audio biz
About a year ago, my favorite local dealer told me that his business was booming surprisingly in direct contrast to the economy.His shop carries only good sounding gear at various price points. Most of what he sells offers excellent value. His ove...